1. I love reality TV. Even though it's not really reality, it's still fun to laugh at the childishness and idiocy of the people that go on these shows. How many times does a conversation really need to bleeped out? C'mon, be smart and use real words. The pettiness is hilarious. People may graduate high school, but they don't necessarily leave it behind.
2. Contrary to popular beleif, I am not perfect and do not come from the perfect family.
3. I am totally scared of relationships. I have seen too many of my friends get hurt and be the one to pick up the pieces that I don't want that. I have also seen my parent's relationship fail. They are not divorced but I sometimes wonder if they would be happier that way. Not part of this but some advice, if you ever want to be married, become my best friend. Everyone that I become close friends with gets married. It's a no fail plan.
4. I don't trust anyone and I haven't since high school. I use to be a very trusting person until it all blew up in my face. If I trust anyone it's because I have known them for years (and I mean yeeeeears) before there was trust. As a part of this I don't like to get close to anyone because when I do, they leave, find someone else they would rather be friends with, or something else happens and they completely forget about me.
5. I love the outdoors. I love walking around a garden, hiking at a park or just sitting on a bench listening to the wind and watching the creatures around me. I am so grateful for al lthe beauty around me. The Lord has blessed us with all of this so we could find peace, comfort and joy. The world would be an ugly place if everything was the same color.
6. I love to laugh and smile. A kid in my class the other day got nailed in the forehead with a tennis ball. I tried to be serious and get mad at the person who threw the ball, but I had to turn around and laugh, because it was so darn funny. The kid that was hit was also one kid I was secretly hoping would get hit. Sad, I know, but funny as all else! It helps that the kid was okay.
7. Blues Brothers, Animal House, Caddyshack, Back to School - the greatest comedies of all time with the best comedians of all time. I said earlier I love to laugh and smile and all these movies do just that.
8. I am a very private person. I don't like airing my feelings out in the public. Why bother other people with my problems when they have enough of their own to deal with? Plus, my problems aren't as big as others so what's the point in telling others? So then why do I have a blog? It's a great way of keeping a personal history. I am usually on the computer so why not have a journal on the computer. Plus I only know of two people that read this anyway, so it's not like it's a big deal and the whole world reads it.
There you go, eight things about me. There are more things about me, but I will save those for another day. Now I have to tag eight other people? I don't know that many people that blog so I will write a few names and hopefully they read this and start a blog of their own: Janelle, Jenny W, Eric, Becky, Laura, Adrienne, Stephanie and John.