Tuesday, September 8, 2009

So Much to Say

It has been a really long time since I have been on here, but I have good reasons. We'll get to that later though.

Today Barack Obama addressed all kids and teachers in school. It was funny listening to his words. He said EXACTLY what I have been telling my students for the past three years and three weeks. If only the kiddos were really listening. You know Obama feels great about himself and what he said today, but it's nothing new. Every teacher has been saying that throughout the years. I hope some of my kiddos were listening, but with the bored faces and yawns that I saw, not a lot got through.

This school year is only in the third week and it's absolutely bonkers! I am at work 12-13 hours a day and it's draining. Not only am I teaching five to seven class periods a day (out of seven class periods) I am a "junior" administrator, school athletics coordinator/director, assistant volleyball coach, head girl's basketball coach, and head girl's soccer coach. It's been a whirlwind of events. The parts of my administratorship are all the things the other admins don't want to do or think they are too busy to do. Wednesday folder is a nightmare. I like to try to get things done early, but it's so hard when you have to depend upon other people. Grrrrr! Today I left my office at 7:30am to talk to admins and parents and other teachers. I went back to my office at 12:05pm to check e-mails and do a little business (lunch was non-existent and will be the rest of the year), then I was back out of my office until 5:oo pm when I sat down to work on Wed folder stuff. During that time a parent of a new volleyball player came in to talk to me. Once that parent left, another parent came in. Then it was off to the copier to print about 2000 copies and separate them into the classes. I think I left the school at about 7:00pm. That seems to be a normal day for me these days. Three weeks in and things still have not calmed down, nor do I think, they will. That's one reason and the biggest reason I haven't been keeping up with this thing.

A lot has happened in my personal life as well. It has really been a blessing to have started dating this wonderful man that I am now with. I always told myself I would never be that girl that missed a boy, or couldn't wait to see him, or be all cuddly and, well, you get it. I never thought that would be me, and lo and behold, it has happened. I have fallen in love with this man and can't see my life without him. He has become my best friend. I find myself thinking about him and hoping he is doing okay throughout the day. I mean, I am totally in love! His well-being has really become a priority in my life. When I see him or talk to him all my troubles seem to go away. I could probably go on, but I won't. Anyway, last night we were sitting on my couch talking and I took a leap of faith. So he has already told me that he can't see his life without me in it and all that jazz, but he said that three or four weeks ago. As we were sitting there I told him that even though it has taken me a while to get to this point that I can't see my life without him. So now it's not a matter of if, but when. Yes, that one word you are thinking of, marriage, is in the future. How near in the future, not quite sure, but it is in the future. It was funny talking to him and finding out that this past fast Sunday we were both fasting about the same thing and didn't even discuss it. How perfectly timed is that? I feel like I am the luckiest girl in the world right now. Could there be another person out there better suited for me that treats me like a true daughter of a loving Heavenly Father? Not in my book. Heavenly Father knows exactly when we need what we need the most. I am so grateful for this major blessing in my life. It couldn't have come at a better time, yet again proving how well my Heavenly Father knows me.
The surprising thing to me was when I told my mom all this she already knew. I feel like everyone else knew before I did. I called her and told her and she said, "I knew it". I then asked her the how and when questions. Her reply, "I was going to finish paying off my car, but decided to put the money into savings because the thought of a wedding came to mind." Yes, my wedding. When did Mom know? "I have known since January." What, that long?! I wasn't even dating anyone nor was there the thought of dating anyone. At that time I was looking for jobs in other cities and had even thought of other states. I mean, gosh Mom, what are you psychic or something? Mom was even a voice a reason about thinking about possible dates. When Leland and I were talking he pretty much left it up to me to pick a date and to me it's either December or March since that's when my school breaks are. Mom, the voice of reason reminded me about the receptions. Seeing that we both have tons of friends in SA, I have tons of friends and family friends in EP and he in UT we may have three receptions or open houses to do. It's crazy! I never really thought about that seriously. That's something to discuss. If we do have three to do then December is the logical choice, but if there is maybe only two then March is the better choice. My brain hurts from all this thinking! Maybe it's time for bed. That's another reason why it's been so long since I last wrote. Everything happens in the Lord's time, but man, everything seems to be happening at once. BUT, I am really happy and know that life is good.


Jalula said...

Katie, I'm so glad things are going well for you, albeit busy. You are amazing, and deserve someone who will make you feel as you do now for the rest of your life!

Gladiz said...

I'm so happy for you! I seriously got chills reading your post! Best of luck! You deserve the best.

5 Walls and Counting said...

YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH!!!!! I need to see a picture of this boy. And you need to keep up the info on the blog so I can know when to get a wedding present! I am so happy for you!