Thursday, April 22, 2010

Great Day!

Today is the 40th celebration of Earth Day, it is also my mom's birthday. I always tell my mom the whole US celebrates her birthday. If you are looking for ways to make you life a little greener now is the time to look it up while on the Internet. There are so many articles out there on what to do and how to make your carbon footprint a little smaller and you life a little greener. I am not a big "green" person, but I like to do my part. I use the re-usable totes when I go grocery shopping (when I remember them), I recycle things at work since there is no recycling program in the apartments, I turn off the lights and try not to use so much electricity, I even turn off the water when brushing my teeth. I am not an extremist in any way even though my brother and my dad call me the hippy of the family. They only do that because of my love of healthy foods and making foods healthier and my hybrid car. When I bought the car it was all selfish reasons, to save money. Even with a car payment I am saving money. Anyway, Happy Birthday to my mom and Happy Earth Day to everyone else!

1 comment:

Gladiz said...

Your mom, my mother in law, and mother earth too! Happy "Bearth Day!" tee hee