Monday, April 26, 2010

Weekend Bliss

This past weekend was the last three-day weekend of the school year and it was just what the doctor ordered (besides a Dr. Pepper). I have had no, absolutely zero, motivation these past two weeks since Easter weekend. Going to work was such a chore and a bore. This weekend was relaxing, motivating and quite productive.

Friday was spent going to different banks trying to turn in fraud affidavits from the dee,dee,dees that stole my car and checks. Then it was off to Kinko's (sorry FEDEX OFFICE) to send out some other fraud claims. After that, it was lunch with the Hubs at Rome's Pizzeria and an afternoon of nothing else. I could have cleaned that afternoon, but I decided to wait until Saturday so I would have something to do. Then it was off to my indoor game, which we won 6-4. To me, that's exactly what a Friday should be. If it came down to the four day work week I would be a huge fan (yes, even if that means extending the school year). Actually. I am all for the year round school plan, but that's a different topic for a different day.

Saturday while Leland was out reffing football all day long, I stayed home and cleaned. I can now see the top of my dining room table and my kitchen sink is almost sparkling. It felt great to get all of that done in one day. Then it was Wii-laxation (relaxation playing the Wii, get it, get it?). That evening was the adult session of stake conference. I love the adult session. It is way more interesting and intriguing than the Sunday session, I must admit. The topic was all about Doctrine and Covenants 18:15-16, bringing and feeling joy. Most of us that know that scripture usually think about it in terms of missionary work. This time it was about converting yourself and your family and finding the joy in that. It was very refreshing. To be quite honest when I heard that was the theme I went into the whole teenage thing, "Do I really have to hear this stuff on missionary work again. I might just have to shut-down if I have to listen to another two hours of missionary work." In the end, it was very uplifting and really helped me focus on what I need to be doing to bring joy to not only my life but others as well.

Sunday was a great day! Stake Conference didn't start until 1pm so I was able to sleep-in and make breakfast, well, brunch really. I was so excited that I had the time that I made homemade waffles. No pre-packaged, boxed stuff for me. I was having fun getting all the ingredients together and pretending that I am a great cook. Plus, I was able to use my Kitchenaid. I really do love that thing, it's so pretty and most of all useful. After brunch it was off to the couch to read a little "Lectures on Faith" then get ready for the conference. After conference the night seemed to go by sooooo slowly, which is a good thing when it comes to Sunday nights. We watched the Spurs beat up on the Mavs (GO SPURS GO!). Okay, so we didn't watch because every time I watch a Spurs game they lose (I'm like their bad luck charm or something) so it was more of a "let's just check the score" kind of watching the game. The Spurs only need one more win and they will get it. It would have been nice for them to have swept the series and won at home, but winning in Dallas will have to do, ;)

That's my nice relaxing weekend in a nutshell. Oh, before I forget, my middle school soccer team won it's second game of the season 2-1. That's probably going to be the last win of the season, but it's great to ask the kids what they have learned after the game and hear their responses. That's what it's really all about, the learning and the fun they are having, even if they do get trounced every other game.

1 comment:

Chrissy said...

Well, Katie Page, you are certainly getting used to the domestic life of a mormon wife! (totally did not mean for that to rhyme... in case you were wondering... :-)