Friday, November 12, 2010

Is It Just Me. . .

Or was this the longest week ever known to man? Wednesday night I got home from the Bishop's Storehouse and was all excited because, even though I went to YM/YW, I thought the next day was Friday. Then Top Chef Just Desserts came on and I realized it was only Wednesday, dang it! I still had to muddle through Thursday AND Friday. I ended up falling asleep on the couch and staying there all night. Usually I wake up and somehow make my way to the bedroom, but that didn't happen and I was awakened by my dear, sweet husband before he left for seminary. I was hoping to wake up and it be Friday morning, but alas, it was still Thursday. Today it is finally Friday of the longest week of my life. Even the week leading up to my wedding, one of the most exciting days of my life, wasn't this long. Maybe it's because it is the first week after the time change or maybe I am just looking forward to Thanksgiving just a little too much, but who knows. The week is almost done and the weekend is getting ever so close.

The week was full of wonderful events. The senior class decided that they wanted a game associated with their homecoming dance so they organized a juniors vs. seniors game. The seniors won 25-22. You may asking yourself, "What kind of football score is that?" Let me assure you, it was not a football game, but a basketball game with a clock that was running two 20 minute halves. It was quite the game of bad basketball. It was fun to watch and I loved the spirit it brought to the school for those couple of hours.

Last night was the school's appreciation dinner for out Veterans. It was a very nice potluck with lots of entertainment. The school choir sang a couple of songs, but it was the duet by two sisters that really made the night special. The two girls sang "God Bless the USA". There was more patriotism in that room than anywhere else that night. It was nice to see the vets stand and and be honored. I thank them with all my heart for the service they have given to this great county so that we can keep the freedoms and life that we know.

Wednesday was also the YM/YW combined activity night at the Bishop's Storehouse. We were suppose to start everything at 7 pm, but the drivers got lost and couldn't find it, so we didn't start until almost 8 pm and had to leave by 8:30pm. It was still fun and the kids were able to serve. I wish we had been able to do more and have the kids do more, but the important thing was the kids were able to put a little something else before themselves for a little bit and help those who really need it. I, personally, love working in the Bishop's Storehouse. It's my favorite service project. I was very happy while I was there and the rest of my cares went away.

I have found I am happiest when I am working. I am usually very tired and can't wait until the next vacation, but I love to work. Sometimes I just need a little break to gather myself again then I am okay and ready to get back to work. Work is good for the mind, body and spirit. I am excited for the weekend and the time I will have to rest and be rejuvenated, but I still can't wait to get back to work. I don't know of you agree, but, is it just me?

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