Monday, November 29, 2010


There is a lot to write about, but I will try to keep it short today. Last week was Thanksgiving. Leland and I went out to my parents for the five day break we had. Mom is Mom, Dad is Dad, and Eddie is, well, Eddie. The family is fine and healthy and ready to get December going. Dad is getting ready for soccer season, which after school practices started today. He also celebrated his 57th birthday yesterday. Mom took all of last week off and is headed back to work today. Since Eddie works at Best Buy he had to go in on Black Friday. Poor guy. I hate the crowds and messiness that is Black Friday, but I do love the sales. If only those sales could be done on regular days as well. I can just imagine what it is like for the employees of stores that are inundated from 3 am to closing time with ungrateful, ignorant, bossy, dissatisfied, angry people. I can't stand the messes that are left after Black Friday. I also get a little peeved when people try to hide things so they get the deal they want. My whole philosophy, be prepared then and there. If you have to hide it then you don't need it. Someone else will find it anyway. As much as I loathe Black Friday, Leland loves it so I go. He knows I hate it too. I guess I am not the best at hiding my feelings towards it all. Usually I have fun shopping. It's my favorite things after sports and workouts, but Black Friday just grates my nerves.

This year I did not run the Turkey trot. I decided that I needed rest and sleep more than a run. Plus, I was a bit under the weather. I was really sick for the drive to EP and running a day later was not going to help matters. While I so missed the fun of the Trot, I was so very grateful for the much needed rest and sleep.

Turkey Day was amazing as usual. The food was fabulous. The only sad part, I don't have any of the leftovers. Next year Thanksgiving will be at my place just so I can have the leftovers. I am so grateful this year for so many things. My health has not been 100% this year, but I am grateful to still be alive and doing the things that I love. I am grateful for a family who supports me in all I do. I am grateful for a loving husband that puts up with all my little quirks, neuroticism, stress and stories. I am grateful for the job I have and for the challenges and opportunities it gives me so that I can progress. I am grateful for this land that I live on. There may be problems, but I there are so many great things to be grateful for, like, freedom to speak what we want, freedom to worship how we want, freedom to live anywhere we want or can afford, freedom to be who we want to be. There are so many other things to be grateful for but I just can't think nor do I have the time to write them all down.

Well, the computer screen is getting blurry and the stress of the day is catching up to me, so I better go.

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