Friday, December 17, 2010

So many thoughts are running through my head right now so I will try to straighten them before typing, but knowing me, that won't happen. Last night I was at the store getting all my stuff to do my holiday baking. I am so excited to be able to do the holiday baking this year! I haven't done my own baking in a couple of years and boy have I missed it! I was so excited that I was literally dancing down the aisles of HEB, especially in the baked goods aisle. I didn't care that I was making a complete idiot out of myself, I was just so happy. I can't wait to get things started tomorrow. As I was shopping, I found some green curry and rice noodles in the Asian foods section and since I was feeling like curry I picked some up to make at home. I am really glad I picked up some extra coconut milk and green curry paste, you will find out why in a second. I go home and see that Leland is home. he was suppose to be at a meeting until late last evening so when I saw his car I was totally excited. I asked him to help with the groceries and when he was closing the trunk the bag on his arm got caught, had a hole ripped in it and the curry sauce fell on the ground and broke. The parking lot had some good curry that night. I was half tempted to scoop it off the ground and try to salvage it, but I controlled myself. Luckily I had bought the coconut milk and paste so no worries. That was just the beginning of an awful evening.

As we are putting away the groceries I was telling Leland about my fantastic trip to the store and he says he's glad I had a good trip to the store and didn't know if he should tell me what he was about to tell me. I told him to tell me what was up. He says that he got a message from his mom that his parents are getting a divorce. I so thought he was kidding because he had a little grin on his face. He then tells me it's serious and proceeds to tell me that a couple of weeks ago when we went to his dad's team's football game that his dad had told him that he was thinking about a divorce but not to say anything to his mom or me. Now I am feeling really bad because I didn't even notice that Leland was not himself that night and hasn't really been himself since then. How could I not notice? Was I so into myself and the other things going on in my life that I couldn't notice my husband was a little different? He is not that good at hiding things so I should have noticed something, right? This is going to be a tough trial for all in the family. Last night there was a different atmosphere in the home. Things just weren't right. I know this is really hard on Leland, but he won't say anything to me about it. I want to be able to help him, but it may take a long time before he is ready for it. While I wait, I worry. I can't help it, I'm a worrier (sp?).

The yearbook for this year is all about wishes. Right now I wish all was right and good within the family. I wish people had to work things out and figure out how to be happy again. I never thought something like this would effect me so much. Maybe it's because it effects someone I love so much. I don't know how long it will take to get over this, but I am hoping it will not take long. I know this is something that will be in the back of my mind for a very long time.

On a brighter note, Christmas break starts today! Finally, rest for my weariness. I can also get into the gym and workout again. Oh Gold's how I have missed you. I can't wait to get back to you and start working off this 15 or 20 lbs I have gained this school year so far.

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