Tuesday, October 6, 2009

General Conference was this past weekend. Have I ever mentioned how much I love General Conference? It's such an uplifting weekend. Conference always seems to come at the perfect time. So what if it's always been the first weekend in April and October? It still comes at the perfect time. Messages about family, keeping the commandments, and testimonies of the restoration of the gospel, the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon, and our Savior Jesus Christ were wonderful to listen to and I know my testimony has grown a little from what was said. Some things I paid a little more attention to than I would have in the past. There were some things that I would usually not pay attention to just because I thought that at that time in my life they weren't all that important. Boy, am I wrong when it comes to that. Everything the leaders of the church talk about is important in my life. Even if I am not going through with what is being talked about, I will go through those things at some point my life and need to know what's up and what to do. The gentle guiding counsel of the leaders of the church remind me of how true The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints really is. I am so grateful for the gospel in my life and what it has taught me. I know that Thomas S. Monson is prophet called by God to lead and direct His people here on the earth. General Conference just ROCKS!
The whole weekend was great. Listening to conference and, as usual, falling asleep to some parts was the relaxation I needed to energize me for the week ahead. I also had the wonderful opportunity to actually talk (on the phone) with my future mother-in-law. She's funny, and oh so cute. I could hear the happiness and excitement in her voice. I won't be able to meet her in person until his whole family comes a few days before the wedding, but phone calls and facebook work too. It was a fantastic weekend and I look forward to many more weekends like that. I don't see any in my immediate future, but there will be more weekends like that, I know it! Time to get things ready for work, Peace out!

1 comment:

5 Walls and Counting said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! That is so exciting!!!