Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The fundraiser, like predicted, was a bust. The "pie the teacher" was a huge success. The homeroom that was running the event made almost $300! Congrats to that homeroom on all of their hard work and dedication to getting this thing done. I had a great time getting pied then having cool whip and chocolate syrup literally all over me for the rest of the night. I have heard there are tons of videos out there right now of me and my collegues getting pied. Good times, good times. Cool whip and chocoate syrup are not, repeat, not good for the eyes. Boy does it sting when that stuff hits the eye!

My dress should be arriving sometime today!! Exactly six more weeks! Still a little scary, a lot crazy, and majorly (sp?) exciting!


Elle Emme said...

Hi Katie, it's Laralin. Sorry about the fundraiser. Hope your eyes are all better by now. Congratulations on your pending nuptials. Proud of you for being so motivated and dedicated to getting the many things done you need to in your everyday life and in preparation for your wedding. It's a lot of hardwork.

Very exciting to get expected packages from known sources! Take care.

Gladiz said...

So excited to hear about the dress! Happy that you're no longer stressed about the fundrasier....been there!