Monday, September 20, 2010

Finally! I Finished Something on My To-Do List

A long time ago I decided that I was going to refinish a hope chest that was my Grandpa Smith's. After about four years I finally decided to do it. The big reveal won't be for a couple of days, so you are just going to have to wait on pins and needles to see the finished product. The part I am happiest about is the fact that I actually did a fun, redecorating thing that I always talk about doing but never actually do it. My next goal, the dining room furniture. I may have to call in some help on this one. I want to replace the seat bottoms and cushions, but don't want to ruin the antique chairs and table. I also want to refinish the the chairs, table and buffet but living in an apartment doesn't make it easy to do since I can't move my furniture outside to do it. I will figure it all out then get it done. It feels so good to finally do one thing that has been on my to-do list for so long. I just wish I had a "before" picture so I could post and compare the "before" and "after" shots. Why didn't I think of that before? Dang it!

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