Saturday, May 7, 2011

Dearest Students,

I love how you make me laugh everyday and keep my life very interesting. Your deeds of the day always give me something to talk about when I go home for the evening. I do not understand a few things. I wish you could actually explain them to me. Why do you not tell me what is going on then try to take things into your hands? Why do you tell your parents what is going on and when they say they are going to tell me you tell them not to say anything and that you will take care of it, but then you do not say anything to me? Why is it that when I talk to you about what happened and you write down everything that happened and signed it, after you talk to your parents new information arises? Why can you not tell me everything that has happened? Why must there always be a surprise visit by a parent with new information about whatever incident has occurred? I also can't seem to figure out how after I get one situation with you under control and over with, a new one always arises and it seems to be the same thing with different people. I just don't get it.
Please remember, even though you seem to think you are, you are not adults. You do not know how to handle things appropriately. Hitting another person is not going to make it all better. You may feel better, but the problem is still there. Nothing has been solved, and you in turn, have become the bully. I understand you are trying to defend yourself, but did that person hit you before you hit them (and throwing a piece of paper at you doesn't count)? I just don't get it, please enlighten me.



1 comment:

Chrissy said...

Crazy kids! And even adults hit people to solve things. Where else would they learn it, ya know?

I do not envy your job, but thanks to devoted, caring leaders like you, we can hopefully teach these young'ins before they get thrown into the big scary world of adulthood.