Monday, May 24, 2010

The end of the school year is approaching. Only four more half-days left. The middle school kiddos are getting excited, the high school kiddos are starting to panic. It's fun watching the kids and thinking back to the times when I was in those grades at the end of the year. The only difference between the kids I teach and myself is that I never really panicked about anything. NOW the kids are starting to fret about not getting the credits they need to graduate. It's the last week of school! If you were worried about not graduating or getting the credits you need so your not held back a year (or in some cases another year) then you should have been doing your work and asking for help all year long. There is a student in the 8th grade that failed 8th last year. So this his second time going through the 8th grade and it looks like he is going to repeat it for the third time. In two of his classes he would have to make over 100% in order to pass his classes and go on to 9th grade. I remember talking to this kid before school started and he seemed to be very remorseful and was ready to make a change for the better and get out of middle school. His actions this year totally contradict what he said he was going to do. He fell right back into his old games even after I pulled him aside several times to help him. From what I know, I am not the only one that has done that and his parents are at a loss as to what to do too. How do you get through to a kid that just doesn't care and thinks he doesn't need to graduate high school in order to be successful? It's a sad situation. Maybe after this year he will realize what he needs to do because no one is going to fall for his stuff again and all is friends will be in high school while he is still in middle school. That would embarass the heck out of me! It's ultimately his choice and all I can do try to help him see the light. It's tiring trying to do this day in and day out with more than one student every day.

Enough talk about work, on to life. This past weekend was a lot of fun. On Saturday I went to the annual Border Patrol volleyball tournament out near Bracketville, TX. I went with my friend to cheer on her husband. It was a a very relaxing day. I shouldn't have been, but I was a little taken aback that the people we trust to protect our borders from terrorists, drugs, and other illegal substances are so high school and petty in their thinking and drink alcohol like there is no tomorrow. I know it's their day off and stuff like that, but have a little more self control so you don't look like an idiot like a lot of the men and women ended up looking like. I won't dwell on that sunject. It was nice spending time with a friend and watching drunk people try to play volleyball. But I like the time with the friend more.

I am getting more and more excited about my summer plans. I can't wait to take some time away from SA and Texas in general. I love my state and I am full of Texan Pride, but sometimes you just need to get away. It's Disney in two weeks, Girls Camp in a month and a half, and Utah in two months. I can't wait! It's going to go by really fast, but summer is almost here and I am so excited!

1 comment:

Gladiz said...

Don't forget to stop by our home in AZ!