Friday, May 28, 2010

One More Year Down. . .

many more to go. The good news is - - IT'S FINALLY SUMMER, WOO-HOO! Some good news for next year. I still have a job, whew! More good news possibly will come in July. I'm not suppose to say anything, but how can I not with something so exciting? If all goes well, I will be a Dean of Students over discipline. I am excited, yet hesitant at the same time. If we have the same principal as last year (because he is now talking like he will be coming back next year) I will be under the biggest magnifying glass in the world. I am really looking forward to this opportunity and hope that all will go well. I have noticed I do a lot of hoping. Maybe I look to the future a little to much and am not engaged in the present enough. I will have to work on that, this SUMMER! Ahhhhhh, beautiful summer!


Chrissy said...

Congrats on finishing up another semester AND the new gig! What will you be doing?

Gladiz said...

Yay Katie! Congrats! Now you can relax. I wish you the best for the new position!

fexin said...

we always in world of leaving things behind our success and as the last year drops from our hands....the real thing is that we enjoy when we begin a year and cry when it finish ....for me it is true

congratulations for having such good visions in keeping
may the god bless u