Saturday, April 5, 2008

It's Great to be Me!

So I am new to this whole blogging thing. I have decided since I am on the computer all the time I may as well place a journal online. Here goes nothing.
Today must be one of the greatest days of my life. I am so grateful for General Conference. I love to listen to a living prophet and other disciples of Christ. There were so many messages that I felt were just for me today. I don't think that has ever happened to me in my life. I felt as though each person was talking directly to me. I have a better understanding of who I am and want to be. I am different. I do not like the latest and greatest in fashion. I dress comfortably for me. I do not wear heavy make-up if I wear any at all. If people are going to like me they are going to like me for me and all my flaws. What's the use in trying to hide something that someone will find out about anyway? Because I am like this I have a hard time fitting in with those around me. I always feel as though I am judged because of what I do and what I look like. I am not what you would call one of the "beautiful people". Honestly, who wants to be? It's so much harder trying to impress everyone else. I have always seen that as low self-esteem. Why is it so important that I look a certain way or dress in a certain style to be accepted? Elder Wirthlin's talk today really helped me realize that different is great. Just think if everyone was just like you, talked the same, wore the same clothes, had the same haircut and color, and always did everything just like you. Sure it would be flattering for a while, but how boring would it be when you realized there is no spice in your life? I would hate to live in a world full of me. It's hard enough just living with myself. The rest of the world would have me believe I am worthless because I am not a size 4 or smaller. Sorry world, but I love food and I also know that not everyone has the build to be a size 4. The world has told young girls (and boys) that they need to be a certain type of person in order to be liked or loved. It has led so many down a path of destruction. That is a path I am grateful I have seldomly traveled. I have had my share of difficulties and I know there are more difficulties in the future, but I am prepared for whatever is tossed my way (or at least I think I'm ready). I feel as though I have learned alot about myself today and realize that it's great to be me!

1 comment:

melancholyjune said...

katie, i loved gc today too! i'll have to get back to you on the name of the ga who's talk i liked but it was about mothers, fathers responsibilities.