So the whole job in Houston didn't work out, but I have another option. I am not going to let this get me down. I have had many challenges, I think. I have never really seen too many things as challenges. I have seen them as things that are a little harder, but not a true challenge. Why is that schools do not hire PE/Health teachers that coach something other than football? Well, football in Texas is king. The best way to give th football coaches what they want (to not have to teach and only worry about football) is to give them a PE or health position. Nevermind that there are actually people that want to help kids improve their fitness levels and learn to love fitness activities. Have you seen the kids in America today? There are kids in kindergaten that weigh almost as much as me. I'm sorry but those parents are stupid for feeding their kids that much and the schools are stupid for hiring people that only want to worry about their sports instead of the kids they are being hired to teach. You ahve to teach in order to coach in the state of Texas. Alot of people think that they are hired for coaching. Well, in football, that seems to be the case. With the other sports it's all about the subject area being taught. Wow, I really got off topic quickly. Frustration really hits when I start talking about athletics in Texas. That is why I want to be the UIL Head Athletics Director and start changing things. Football coaches must TEACH the same amount as every other coach in every other sport. No more three periods of football. On top of that there is no need for there to be twelve football coaches. No other sport gets more than two coaches why should football have twelve? I can understand defensive, offensive, special teams, and head coach, but there does not need to be an assistant for each "team". Also, look at the pay discrepencies. Some football coaches are making over $100,000 per year. There are teachers that are only making $40,000 per year. True, they do not hold double duty as teacher and coach but even teacher/coaches don't make that much. Why do football coaches need that much more money? They don't. They have one of the shortest seasons in all of Texas and they make the most money. Off on another tangent, sorry.
It's okay that I did not get the job, but I was a little thrown as to why they didn't say anything until I cantacted them. I tried last week to contact them and never received a reply. So I contacted again and this time it was a quick reply with the excuse that they didn't want to reply until they knew for sure. Here's the thing. There were other people competing for the job who wanted to know as well. Were they not just sitting around waiting for a response they replied too? If so, it's not very polite to not respond. If the other were contacted quickly but not me then, why? Here is only one problem with education (out of the many), educators do not know anything about being business-like. I learned a lot of things from my dad growing up about the business world and how you should do things. If someone e-mails or calls, it is common coutesy to call or e-mail with a response quickly even if you don't know what is going on. The other person just wants some acknowledgement and know that there is still something going with that case. If you place an educator in any other background, that person would not survive. I am grateful I have a dad that taught me about things that other teachers can only dream about knowing. While I did not get a job that would have been great to have, I am still looking and searching and maybe a school out there will be willing to take a chance and find me to be the one they need in their school. Really, everyone needs someone like me in their life. That sounded a little conceited, I know, but the people in your life are there for a reason and everyone needs everyone else in their life, especially me. =0)
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