So many thoughts are running through my head right now so I will try to straighten them before typing, but knowing me, that won't happen. Last night I was at the store getting all my stuff to do my holiday baking. I am so excited to be able to do the holiday baking this year! I haven't done my own baking in a couple of years and boy have I missed it! I was so excited that I was literally dancing down the aisles of HEB, especially in the baked goods aisle. I didn't care that I was making a complete idiot out of myself, I was just so happy. I can't wait to get things started tomorrow. As I was shopping, I found some green curry and rice noodles in the Asian foods section and since I was feeling like curry I picked some up to make at home. I am really glad I picked up some extra coconut milk and green curry paste, you will find out why in a second. I go home and see that Leland is home. he was suppose to be at a meeting until late last evening so when I saw his car I was totally excited. I asked him to help with the groceries and when he was closing the trunk the bag on his arm got caught, had a hole ripped in it and the curry sauce fell on the ground and broke. The parking lot had some good curry that night. I was half tempted to scoop it off the ground and try to salvage it, but I controlled myself. Luckily I had bought the coconut milk and paste so no worries. That was just the beginning of an awful evening.
As we are putting away the groceries I was telling Leland about my fantastic trip to the store and he says he's glad I had a good trip to the store and didn't know if he should tell me what he was about to tell me. I told him to tell me what was up. He says that he got a message from his mom that his parents are getting a divorce. I so thought he was kidding because he had a little grin on his face. He then tells me it's serious and proceeds to tell me that a couple of weeks ago when we went to his dad's team's football game that his dad had told him that he was thinking about a divorce but not to say anything to his mom or me. Now I am feeling really bad because I didn't even notice that Leland was not himself that night and hasn't really been himself since then. How could I not notice? Was I so into myself and the other things going on in my life that I couldn't notice my husband was a little different? He is not that good at hiding things so I should have noticed something, right? This is going to be a tough trial for all in the family. Last night there was a different atmosphere in the home. Things just weren't right. I know this is really hard on Leland, but he won't say anything to me about it. I want to be able to help him, but it may take a long time before he is ready for it. While I wait, I worry. I can't help it, I'm a worrier (sp?).
The yearbook for this year is all about wishes. Right now I wish all was right and good within the family. I wish people had to work things out and figure out how to be happy again. I never thought something like this would effect me so much. Maybe it's because it effects someone I love so much. I don't know how long it will take to get over this, but I am hoping it will not take long. I know this is something that will be in the back of my mind for a very long time.
On a brighter note, Christmas break starts today! Finally, rest for my weariness. I can also get into the gym and workout again. Oh Gold's how I have missed you. I can't wait to get back to you and start working off this 15 or 20 lbs I have gained this school year so far.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Saturday, December 11, 2010
UTEP is in the #35 (out of 35) ranked bowl game of the year playing against BYU. I will be living in a house divided on December 18 when the two teams meet on the field. My side, navy and orange. Leland's side (or should I say corner ;), blue and white. I may not be a fan of the school I received my bachelor's degree from, but I have never been one to really care about the school I went to. I went to school for two reasons, education and athletics. It really didn't matter where I went as long as it was affordable and I received the knowledge I needed. I am not real big on all that school spirit jazz. I have to give love to my Miners, but I reeally don't think they are going to win this one. They may come out guns blazing in the first half or so, but after that they fizzle. It happens every year. To all my UTEP peeps, don't hate because you know it's true, it happens all the time. I will support my Miners because anyone is better than the Cougars. Oh, and good luck to Pay Dirt Pete in the Capitol One Mascot Bowl. He's up against the Old Dominion Blue or something weird like that. If you get a chance look up the Capitol One Mascot Bowl website and give Pete a holla and a vote. GO PETE GO!
On another note, I have been sick again this week. I feel like I am always sick now. I just don't get it. Maybe it's time to buckle down and get a real doc. This time I am a little concerned because this illness, whatever it was caused me to throw-up and I have not thrown-up due to illness since I was in the 3rd grade. Yes, that's right twenty years ago was the last time I threw-up due to illness. The last time I actually threw up was 7th grade and only because I was dehydrated and no one told me I wasn't suppose to chug water or gatorade when dehydrated, so it all came back up. I do not like the whole throwing up thing. Now I am worried that since it happened once it will happen in the future. All this happened on Tuesday night and I am still having some troubles with my tummy after I eat . Regular food, does not like me. Water does not like me. Ginger ale and cranberry limeade seem to be doing the trick, but nothing else. I hope it all clears up by this afternoon because Leland and I are going to the Tamale Fest at Pearl today and I want me some delicioso tamales! Here's to hoping all clears up and things go well. It looks like it's time to go. More writing to come as the year winds down and school gets out for the first semester. Peace!
On another note, I have been sick again this week. I feel like I am always sick now. I just don't get it. Maybe it's time to buckle down and get a real doc. This time I am a little concerned because this illness, whatever it was caused me to throw-up and I have not thrown-up due to illness since I was in the 3rd grade. Yes, that's right twenty years ago was the last time I threw-up due to illness. The last time I actually threw up was 7th grade and only because I was dehydrated and no one told me I wasn't suppose to chug water or gatorade when dehydrated, so it all came back up. I do not like the whole throwing up thing. Now I am worried that since it happened once it will happen in the future. All this happened on Tuesday night and I am still having some troubles with my tummy after I eat . Regular food, does not like me. Water does not like me. Ginger ale and cranberry limeade seem to be doing the trick, but nothing else. I hope it all clears up by this afternoon because Leland and I are going to the Tamale Fest at Pearl today and I want me some delicioso tamales! Here's to hoping all clears up and things go well. It looks like it's time to go. More writing to come as the year winds down and school gets out for the first semester. Peace!
Monday, December 6, 2010
Christmas Devotional
Last night was the First Presidency Christmas message. I love the messages every year. The main message, to me anyway, was to remember what the season is all about. President Uchtdorf reminded us not to be like the Grinch. President Eyring reminded us of Christ's mission. President Monson recalled a story from WWII in which there was a three-story house that a few American were living in. During the day an elderly German lady would come and clean the house and leave it sparkling. The America would go to the PX and get his allotment of candy bars, soap and a couple other things. He would use what he needed then store the rest in his footlocker. He decided that he was going to give this poverty-stricken women what was in his footlocker as a Christmas gift. He was feeling so proud of himself, thinking that she would be so grateful for the gift because she would be able to use it as currency in her village and be seen as a rich woman. He was very smug about the whole thing. He arrived home that night to find the gift and the woman gone, but on the table was 10 postcards pre-WWII with full buildings. The woman had put the postcards together to form a star, the Christmas Star. The woman's gift was not one of elegance or "Look at what good I have done". Her gift was one given of humility and love. Which ahs reminded me that the gift of love is better than a gift given that is elegant or over the top. There many gifts that we can give that are not of a monetary matter. We have many talents that we are able to share. May I encourage all those who actually read this blog to use the gifts and talents that you have been given to bless another person's life. The person you help will be more blessed than if you just give them the book they have been wanting because you may be giving them something they need but didn't realize it until you stepped in. Good luck this Christmas season. Merry Christmas!
Friday, December 3, 2010
Tis the Season!
I am so excited it's the Christmas season! I love this time of year. This year I have actually decorated a little bit. I have placed a few of my favorite Nativity scenes on my cocktail table and on the shelf between the kitchen and the living room. The other Nativities are more for a Christmas tree that will be coming out very shortly. I just have to find out where to place it. Things were so much easier before I started living with a boy. I actually had room for all my decorations and I knew ahead of time where everything was going to go. I still don't know where the tree is going to go because there is so much stuff in there. I really need a house or some place with two bedrooms so there can be an office for Leland's bookshelves and desk. When Dad was visiting he talked to me about getting a bigger place. I agree, we need something bigger, but we are tied in to our lease until July and we really don't know where we are going to be next year after Leland graduates so houses are a little out of the question right now. I digress.
Christmas! Last year there was so much focus on the wedding that Christmas just kinda got pushed aside. This year, I am starting Christmas off right. I love because I can have Christmas music all day at work. Teachers and some students have walked into my office and heard the music and their spirits are a little lifted. I love the music of the season, it makes me happy. I still have not done any shopping because I have no idea what to get anyone this year. Finances are tight this year, so there may be some homemade gifts or just cards in the future. Seeing that I am not crafty nor do I have the ability to make things look nice the homemade gift may not work, so cards it is!
The thing I love the most about this season is the focus on Christ. Many people would rather focus on the shopping and the crowds and everything else, but that's the 100th thing on the list when it comes to CHRISTmas. As the season begins and all things Christmas are underway, think about those around you and how you can serve them. Think about our loving Heavenly Father who gave his Only Begotten Son. Think about the birth of the Savior. Remember what he did for you so that you could someday live with your Heavenly Father again. This season I am going to strive to do all those things. Gifts are not important, but family, time with friends and other loved ones, and Jesus Christ are. Merry Christmas (not Happy Holidays)?
Christmas! Last year there was so much focus on the wedding that Christmas just kinda got pushed aside. This year, I am starting Christmas off right. I love because I can have Christmas music all day at work. Teachers and some students have walked into my office and heard the music and their spirits are a little lifted. I love the music of the season, it makes me happy. I still have not done any shopping because I have no idea what to get anyone this year. Finances are tight this year, so there may be some homemade gifts or just cards in the future. Seeing that I am not crafty nor do I have the ability to make things look nice the homemade gift may not work, so cards it is!
The thing I love the most about this season is the focus on Christ. Many people would rather focus on the shopping and the crowds and everything else, but that's the 100th thing on the list when it comes to CHRISTmas. As the season begins and all things Christmas are underway, think about those around you and how you can serve them. Think about our loving Heavenly Father who gave his Only Begotten Son. Think about the birth of the Savior. Remember what he did for you so that you could someday live with your Heavenly Father again. This season I am going to strive to do all those things. Gifts are not important, but family, time with friends and other loved ones, and Jesus Christ are. Merry Christmas (not Happy Holidays)?
Monday, November 29, 2010
There is a lot to write about, but I will try to keep it short today. Last week was Thanksgiving. Leland and I went out to my parents for the five day break we had. Mom is Mom, Dad is Dad, and Eddie is, well, Eddie. The family is fine and healthy and ready to get December going. Dad is getting ready for soccer season, which after school practices started today. He also celebrated his 57th birthday yesterday. Mom took all of last week off and is headed back to work today. Since Eddie works at Best Buy he had to go in on Black Friday. Poor guy. I hate the crowds and messiness that is Black Friday, but I do love the sales. If only those sales could be done on regular days as well. I can just imagine what it is like for the employees of stores that are inundated from 3 am to closing time with ungrateful, ignorant, bossy, dissatisfied, angry people. I can't stand the messes that are left after Black Friday. I also get a little peeved when people try to hide things so they get the deal they want. My whole philosophy, be prepared then and there. If you have to hide it then you don't need it. Someone else will find it anyway. As much as I loathe Black Friday, Leland loves it so I go. He knows I hate it too. I guess I am not the best at hiding my feelings towards it all. Usually I have fun shopping. It's my favorite things after sports and workouts, but Black Friday just grates my nerves.
This year I did not run the Turkey trot. I decided that I needed rest and sleep more than a run. Plus, I was a bit under the weather. I was really sick for the drive to EP and running a day later was not going to help matters. While I so missed the fun of the Trot, I was so very grateful for the much needed rest and sleep.
Turkey Day was amazing as usual. The food was fabulous. The only sad part, I don't have any of the leftovers. Next year Thanksgiving will be at my place just so I can have the leftovers. I am so grateful this year for so many things. My health has not been 100% this year, but I am grateful to still be alive and doing the things that I love. I am grateful for a family who supports me in all I do. I am grateful for a loving husband that puts up with all my little quirks, neuroticism, stress and stories. I am grateful for the job I have and for the challenges and opportunities it gives me so that I can progress. I am grateful for this land that I live on. There may be problems, but I there are so many great things to be grateful for, like, freedom to speak what we want, freedom to worship how we want, freedom to live anywhere we want or can afford, freedom to be who we want to be. There are so many other things to be grateful for but I just can't think nor do I have the time to write them all down.
Well, the computer screen is getting blurry and the stress of the day is catching up to me, so I better go.
This year I did not run the Turkey trot. I decided that I needed rest and sleep more than a run. Plus, I was a bit under the weather. I was really sick for the drive to EP and running a day later was not going to help matters. While I so missed the fun of the Trot, I was so very grateful for the much needed rest and sleep.
Turkey Day was amazing as usual. The food was fabulous. The only sad part, I don't have any of the leftovers. Next year Thanksgiving will be at my place just so I can have the leftovers. I am so grateful this year for so many things. My health has not been 100% this year, but I am grateful to still be alive and doing the things that I love. I am grateful for a family who supports me in all I do. I am grateful for a loving husband that puts up with all my little quirks, neuroticism, stress and stories. I am grateful for the job I have and for the challenges and opportunities it gives me so that I can progress. I am grateful for this land that I live on. There may be problems, but I there are so many great things to be grateful for, like, freedom to speak what we want, freedom to worship how we want, freedom to live anywhere we want or can afford, freedom to be who we want to be. There are so many other things to be grateful for but I just can't think nor do I have the time to write them all down.
Well, the computer screen is getting blurry and the stress of the day is catching up to me, so I better go.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Dear Thanksgiving Break,
Can you please hurry? I have never wanted you so bad and now that it is almost time you are making me wait longer. I have never begged and pleaded for anything more in my life than you right now. You give me strength, hope, even deeper feelings of gratitude, and much needed rest and relaxation. I am so very grateful for you Thanksgiving Break.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Is It Just Me. . .
Or was this the longest week ever known to man? Wednesday night I got home from the Bishop's Storehouse and was all excited because, even though I went to YM/YW, I thought the next day was Friday. Then Top Chef Just Desserts came on and I realized it was only Wednesday, dang it! I still had to muddle through Thursday AND Friday. I ended up falling asleep on the couch and staying there all night. Usually I wake up and somehow make my way to the bedroom, but that didn't happen and I was awakened by my dear, sweet husband before he left for seminary. I was hoping to wake up and it be Friday morning, but alas, it was still Thursday. Today it is finally Friday of the longest week of my life. Even the week leading up to my wedding, one of the most exciting days of my life, wasn't this long. Maybe it's because it is the first week after the time change or maybe I am just looking forward to Thanksgiving just a little too much, but who knows. The week is almost done and the weekend is getting ever so close.
The week was full of wonderful events. The senior class decided that they wanted a game associated with their homecoming dance so they organized a juniors vs. seniors game. The seniors won 25-22. You may asking yourself, "What kind of football score is that?" Let me assure you, it was not a football game, but a basketball game with a clock that was running two 20 minute halves. It was quite the game of bad basketball. It was fun to watch and I loved the spirit it brought to the school for those couple of hours.
Last night was the school's appreciation dinner for out Veterans. It was a very nice potluck with lots of entertainment. The school choir sang a couple of songs, but it was the duet by two sisters that really made the night special. The two girls sang "God Bless the USA". There was more patriotism in that room than anywhere else that night. It was nice to see the vets stand and and be honored. I thank them with all my heart for the service they have given to this great county so that we can keep the freedoms and life that we know.
Wednesday was also the YM/YW combined activity night at the Bishop's Storehouse. We were suppose to start everything at 7 pm, but the drivers got lost and couldn't find it, so we didn't start until almost 8 pm and had to leave by 8:30pm. It was still fun and the kids were able to serve. I wish we had been able to do more and have the kids do more, but the important thing was the kids were able to put a little something else before themselves for a little bit and help those who really need it. I, personally, love working in the Bishop's Storehouse. It's my favorite service project. I was very happy while I was there and the rest of my cares went away.
I have found I am happiest when I am working. I am usually very tired and can't wait until the next vacation, but I love to work. Sometimes I just need a little break to gather myself again then I am okay and ready to get back to work. Work is good for the mind, body and spirit. I am excited for the weekend and the time I will have to rest and be rejuvenated, but I still can't wait to get back to work. I don't know of you agree, but, is it just me?
The week was full of wonderful events. The senior class decided that they wanted a game associated with their homecoming dance so they organized a juniors vs. seniors game. The seniors won 25-22. You may asking yourself, "What kind of football score is that?" Let me assure you, it was not a football game, but a basketball game with a clock that was running two 20 minute halves. It was quite the game of bad basketball. It was fun to watch and I loved the spirit it brought to the school for those couple of hours.
Last night was the school's appreciation dinner for out Veterans. It was a very nice potluck with lots of entertainment. The school choir sang a couple of songs, but it was the duet by two sisters that really made the night special. The two girls sang "God Bless the USA". There was more patriotism in that room than anywhere else that night. It was nice to see the vets stand and and be honored. I thank them with all my heart for the service they have given to this great county so that we can keep the freedoms and life that we know.
Wednesday was also the YM/YW combined activity night at the Bishop's Storehouse. We were suppose to start everything at 7 pm, but the drivers got lost and couldn't find it, so we didn't start until almost 8 pm and had to leave by 8:30pm. It was still fun and the kids were able to serve. I wish we had been able to do more and have the kids do more, but the important thing was the kids were able to put a little something else before themselves for a little bit and help those who really need it. I, personally, love working in the Bishop's Storehouse. It's my favorite service project. I was very happy while I was there and the rest of my cares went away.
I have found I am happiest when I am working. I am usually very tired and can't wait until the next vacation, but I love to work. Sometimes I just need a little break to gather myself again then I am okay and ready to get back to work. Work is good for the mind, body and spirit. I am excited for the weekend and the time I will have to rest and be rejuvenated, but I still can't wait to get back to work. I don't know of you agree, but, is it just me?
Monday, November 8, 2010
I am in the midst of completing two requirements for my Personal Progress. The first one in Faith is about prayer. I was to read some scriptures about faith, do some praying, and then write in my journal of my experiences. So here it goes:
I have always had a problem with saying my prayers on a regular basis. I would get started then stop, then start again. Or I would start with twice a day at least then lower to once a day before I went to bed. I noticed this time, that I pray more than I think. I find myself stopping and thinking about what I had just thought and it was usually a prayer that I was saying for something. The more I look back on situations the more I realize that it was a prayer, albeit a little one, that helped me in that situation. I pray more than I thought I ever did. It is through our faith that we see the answers to our prayers. It is through faith that we are even able to pray, to talk to someone that we have never met physically on this earth and know that we will receive an answer. Every now and then I need a little reminder to pray and Personal Progress has been that reminder this time.
The second experience is about the Sacrament. Another goal is to read about the Sacrament, really listen to the words during the prayer and write about it. The Sacrament Prayers have been something that took me a long time to really listen to and understand. It wasn't until I was in college and found out for myself what the prayers were all about. I grew up hearing the words of the prayers every week. It was nothing new to me. It wasn't until I decided that I was going to really listen to them that they took on a whole new meaning. It was during my time of true conversion. I had recently had a knee surgery that kept me out of soccer for about eight months. During that time I was able to focus on the things that were necessary for my life at that time. It's amazing what one little injury can do and how much it can change you. That is when I started to really use the words of those prayers in my life. I had never done that before. It was a whole new thing for me. I felt different. I felt a sense of peace and happiness in hearing those words every week. I have been in a family ward now for almost a year and I realized that I stopped paying attention to the words and what the Sacrament was about and paid more attention to the kid screaming behind me, the kid running in the aisle, or the person sleeping next to me. I had lost that peaceful happiness that I once felt. After reading and remembering the feelings I once had I wanted to get back to that. I have been listening more carefully and thinking of the great sacrifice that Jesus Christ made for the world. I am so grateful to Him for the life He lived and the example he is. I am so grateful that because of His sacrifice I am able to repent and return to my Heavenly Father once again. Faith is a major part of this life. If we can rely on our faith we will be a happier people and a more caring, forgiving people.
I have always had a problem with saying my prayers on a regular basis. I would get started then stop, then start again. Or I would start with twice a day at least then lower to once a day before I went to bed. I noticed this time, that I pray more than I think. I find myself stopping and thinking about what I had just thought and it was usually a prayer that I was saying for something. The more I look back on situations the more I realize that it was a prayer, albeit a little one, that helped me in that situation. I pray more than I thought I ever did. It is through our faith that we see the answers to our prayers. It is through faith that we are even able to pray, to talk to someone that we have never met physically on this earth and know that we will receive an answer. Every now and then I need a little reminder to pray and Personal Progress has been that reminder this time.
The second experience is about the Sacrament. Another goal is to read about the Sacrament, really listen to the words during the prayer and write about it. The Sacrament Prayers have been something that took me a long time to really listen to and understand. It wasn't until I was in college and found out for myself what the prayers were all about. I grew up hearing the words of the prayers every week. It was nothing new to me. It wasn't until I decided that I was going to really listen to them that they took on a whole new meaning. It was during my time of true conversion. I had recently had a knee surgery that kept me out of soccer for about eight months. During that time I was able to focus on the things that were necessary for my life at that time. It's amazing what one little injury can do and how much it can change you. That is when I started to really use the words of those prayers in my life. I had never done that before. It was a whole new thing for me. I felt different. I felt a sense of peace and happiness in hearing those words every week. I have been in a family ward now for almost a year and I realized that I stopped paying attention to the words and what the Sacrament was about and paid more attention to the kid screaming behind me, the kid running in the aisle, or the person sleeping next to me. I had lost that peaceful happiness that I once felt. After reading and remembering the feelings I once had I wanted to get back to that. I have been listening more carefully and thinking of the great sacrifice that Jesus Christ made for the world. I am so grateful to Him for the life He lived and the example he is. I am so grateful that because of His sacrifice I am able to repent and return to my Heavenly Father once again. Faith is a major part of this life. If we can rely on our faith we will be a happier people and a more caring, forgiving people.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Halloween and Expulsions, Fun!
Yesterday I had to "expel" my first kid. It wasn't a real expulsion but more of an opportunity to withdraw before the expulsion. When kids reach 75 DPS (our discipline system is based on points) we sit down with the parents and tell them their kid has reached 75 points, there's nothing more we can do at this point and let them know that they have the option of withdrawing from the school so there is not a black mark on their record. If the parents do not withdraw the kid by the end of the next school day then we have to go through the expulsion process and paperwork. The parents decided to withdraw the kid. I may have to expel a kid this coming week though. He is already a trouble maker and doesn't really want to be at the school so he messing up. Thursday he decided that he was going to steal a student's cell phone from the PE changing room. After school the kid went looking for his phone and after doing some investigative work of his own, found out who had stolen his phone, tracked him down and got his phone back. That's where I come in. Since the crime happened on campus I had to investigate, get the kid to confess and inform the parents. Monday we will have a discipline committee meeting in which we will decide his consequences. I don't know what the committee is going to say, but the punishment will be anything from 3 days OSS to expulsion. Good luck to the kid.
In other news, last week was Halloween. Leland and I were Minions from the movie Despicable Me. Since my computer at home is having internet problems I have to do all my writings from my work computer and I don't have my camera to download the pics. I love being married to a man that loves Halloween because he always has great costume ideas. Every year everyone who knows Leland is always excited to see what he will be next. I, on the other hand, have no creative bones in my body for Halloween. I thought about Charlie Brown characters (you know Charlie Brown and the little Red-headed girl he has a crush on) but no one would know what that was, so no go to that. We looked pretty darn cute if you ask me. If you have access to my facebook page you can check out the pics there until I get a chance to post them here. The best part of the night, we won that grand prize at the party, a 32 in LCD TV! How awesome is that! I really wanted the $150 shopping spree, but the tv works too. I have never won anything like that in my life. In fact, I told Leland he was marrying the unluckiest girl the whole world when it comes to raffles and stuff like that. Thankfully, it was all his luck that won the tv, but I was holding the winning ticket, so I consider it my win ;) The only problem we have now, we have no place to put it in our little apartment. I already had a nice tv when we got married in the living room, and there is no space in the bedroom for a big tv. We will figure it out one of these days though. Maybe Dad can place a wall mount in when he comes to visit in a couple of weeks. That's what Dads are for right? Well, it's time to get back to work. Have a wonderful time until I write again!
In other news, last week was Halloween. Leland and I were Minions from the movie Despicable Me. Since my computer at home is having internet problems I have to do all my writings from my work computer and I don't have my camera to download the pics. I love being married to a man that loves Halloween because he always has great costume ideas. Every year everyone who knows Leland is always excited to see what he will be next. I, on the other hand, have no creative bones in my body for Halloween. I thought about Charlie Brown characters (you know Charlie Brown and the little Red-headed girl he has a crush on) but no one would know what that was, so no go to that. We looked pretty darn cute if you ask me. If you have access to my facebook page you can check out the pics there until I get a chance to post them here. The best part of the night, we won that grand prize at the party, a 32 in LCD TV! How awesome is that! I really wanted the $150 shopping spree, but the tv works too. I have never won anything like that in my life. In fact, I told Leland he was marrying the unluckiest girl the whole world when it comes to raffles and stuff like that. Thankfully, it was all his luck that won the tv, but I was holding the winning ticket, so I consider it my win ;) The only problem we have now, we have no place to put it in our little apartment. I already had a nice tv when we got married in the living room, and there is no space in the bedroom for a big tv. We will figure it out one of these days though. Maybe Dad can place a wall mount in when he comes to visit in a couple of weeks. That's what Dads are for right? Well, it's time to get back to work. Have a wonderful time until I write again!
Monday, October 25, 2010
Personal Progress
I have decided that I will be doing Personal Progress again. I had been contemplating this for a couple of months now and decided early last week that I would buy a book and start. Last night I sat down and started looking through the book and seeing what I had to do. As I was looking through the book I started remembering when I was a young woman and starting my Personal Progress. I felt so overwhelmed as to everything I had to do. This time I read it and have to try to adapt the value experiences to my situation. There are so many things about a future home and family. Since I already have the beginnings of my family (a wonderful husband) I have to adapt some of the experiences to meet my needs. I no longer write about my goals to go to the temple to receive my endowments and to be sealed to my husband. I guess I can change them to how to stay worthy to enter the temple and attend the temple regularly. I know I can make my own value experiences, but I can never think of anything so I just use what is given to me as a guide. A lot of my experiences are surrounding sewing and creating things. I have such a huge lack of that skill that I think it would be something nice to learn so that I will be able to mend my clothing, create new things for my home, and even make my own clothing (that's a little ambitious, but who knows, it could happen, right?). I write this because this is my journal and will be writing a lot about my experiences as I go through this whole journey of Personal Progress again. Just a warning :)
Friday, October 22, 2010
Parent-Teacher Conference
Parent-Teacher Conference day is one of the best days of the school year. I have never seen more than six parents even today. Actually, I have talked to two parents that I saw in teh ahll and wanted to say hi to and that is it. I thought I would have more parents come in and want to talk with me, but no dice. It's a little nice to be like that. Now, I can get all caught up on the work I need to get caught up on. Whew!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
The Life
It's been a few weeks since the last time I was able to write. My computer at home is starting to fail me and since I had to change some things with the internet through my provider, my internet is not working on my computer. When I go home I am either cleaning, making dinner, or vegging out and falling asleep on the couch so I have not been on to write in a while. Some interesting things have happened the past couple of weeks. General Conference was the first week of October and boy was it the spiritual enlightenment I needed! General Conference helped give me a new, refreshed outlook on life right now. I feel so much better after receiving such great insight and inspiration from the leaders of the church. The positivity that comes from conference helps increase my confidence. I know I have things that I need to work on right now, but I feel better about where I am in my life and what I am suppose to be doing. General Conference rocks! It is still on our DVR so I can go back and listen to a talk when I need that little extra boost.
Leland is still struggling a little with the bronchitis, but is sounding much better. I think it's been three weeks with this thing but it is finally starting to clear up, yay! I hate it when someone else is going through an illness or situation that I can't help them with. Now, since things are better I don't have to worry so much. Leland is also counting down the number of games he has left to ref football. he's down to 13 more games. He's sad, but it can only help him with his school work and seminary stuff. I found funny when he told me last night over dinner that he is no longer the nite owl he use to be because if seminary. Did my ears just deceive me? My husband admitting to no longer being a nite owl? I thought that would never happen, but it did and I love it! His research is coming along slowly. He had a definitive end date in May, but now he's just hoping to get done by then. I just want him finished with school already! Mostly so I can start saving more to go and get my docorate or another master's in school counseling or something
like that. Overall, he's doing well and things are going in a positive direction.
Work is crazy and busy, but what's new? I had to deal with a situation in which I thought I would have to call the police again, after talking to the mom we decided that the girl was lying. She claimed that she had been sexually assaulted at school towards the end of the year last year and that it had happened again by the same kid two weeks ago at school. That is what her boyfriend told another kid at the school and that kid came to me. So the investigation started and the end result was that she was lying. Thankfully, the parent really likes the school and knew that what her daughter was telling us was false. How do we know it was false? Her stories never matched up. It's hard to keep all the lies straight. She even had to ask me what she had said before in our first meeting the second time she came in to my office. The first and second meeting were only about 30 minutes apart. How else did we know? The timelines were different from story to story. With some of the things she was saying and how everything went down there is no way in such a little school that not one person would have walked in on it happening. We have sixth graders with bladders the size of a quarter so some kid would have had to go to the bathroom during the time she was talking about and would have seen everything that was going on. Plus, she had said it was student in the school that doesn't go to the school anymore, but when looking at pictures and trying to find the kid who matched the description, she couldn't point to anyone and there were no kids that matched the description. Why she would tell a story so huge, I don't know. But it really made me upset that she would do that. You hear about things like that all the time and until you are involved in something like that you ahve no idea how much it hoovers. What is going on with our kids today that they think they can tell things like that and not expect it to be a huge deal? Whatevs.
Things are plugging along and life is going. I just continue to hope that things continue to be positive. I know trials will occur and things won't always be smooth, but I look forward to all the new experiences and knowledge that I will gain from it all.
Leland is still struggling a little with the bronchitis, but is sounding much better. I think it's been three weeks with this thing but it is finally starting to clear up, yay! I hate it when someone else is going through an illness or situation that I can't help them with. Now, since things are better I don't have to worry so much. Leland is also counting down the number of games he has left to ref football. he's down to 13 more games. He's sad, but it can only help him with his school work and seminary stuff. I found funny when he told me last night over dinner that he is no longer the nite owl he use to be because if seminary. Did my ears just deceive me? My husband admitting to no longer being a nite owl? I thought that would never happen, but it did and I love it! His research is coming along slowly. He had a definitive end date in May, but now he's just hoping to get done by then. I just want him finished with school already! Mostly so I can start saving more to go and get my docorate or another master's in school counseling or something
like that. Overall, he's doing well and things are going in a positive direction.
Work is crazy and busy, but what's new? I had to deal with a situation in which I thought I would have to call the police again, after talking to the mom we decided that the girl was lying. She claimed that she had been sexually assaulted at school towards the end of the year last year and that it had happened again by the same kid two weeks ago at school. That is what her boyfriend told another kid at the school and that kid came to me. So the investigation started and the end result was that she was lying. Thankfully, the parent really likes the school and knew that what her daughter was telling us was false. How do we know it was false? Her stories never matched up. It's hard to keep all the lies straight. She even had to ask me what she had said before in our first meeting the second time she came in to my office. The first and second meeting were only about 30 minutes apart. How else did we know? The timelines were different from story to story. With some of the things she was saying and how everything went down there is no way in such a little school that not one person would have walked in on it happening. We have sixth graders with bladders the size of a quarter so some kid would have had to go to the bathroom during the time she was talking about and would have seen everything that was going on. Plus, she had said it was student in the school that doesn't go to the school anymore, but when looking at pictures and trying to find the kid who matched the description, she couldn't point to anyone and there were no kids that matched the description. Why she would tell a story so huge, I don't know. But it really made me upset that she would do that. You hear about things like that all the time and until you are involved in something like that you ahve no idea how much it hoovers. What is going on with our kids today that they think they can tell things like that and not expect it to be a huge deal? Whatevs.
Things are plugging along and life is going. I just continue to hope that things continue to be positive. I know trials will occur and things won't always be smooth, but I look forward to all the new experiences and knowledge that I will gain from it all.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Inadequacies or Paranoia?
Lately I have been feeling like I keep messing up. I am not a fan of having to feel like I have to "check in" with someone all the time about everything. I feel like I am being watched like a hawk. I can't stand it when people micro-manage. My principal is good, don't get me wrong, but I feel as though what I do is not good enough, or I am not doing enough. No matter what I do I have to check in with him on everything. Just let me go and do! If he would let me do my thing with these kids then I would be able to do so much more in the discipline realm. I try to always tell him what is going on but when I do it seems as though he a) isn't really listening, b) is judging every decision I make, or c) doesn't care until something is about to go terribly wrong then I feel stupid. I feel like I just can't seem to get it right. Like maybe I really am not cut out to be an administrator. I feel like by this time in the school year I should have been settled and have a routine, but I am still all over the place. I can't even get all my stuff organized before it's unorganized again. I am so behind on everything that I need to be doing. Will this feeling ever end? Will being under a microscope ever stop? I want to be doing the right thing and making the best decisions, but it all seems so useless right now. Maybe I'm just being paranoid. Maybe I am doing better than I thought. I don't know, I just don't know.
Monday, September 27, 2010
On the Run, As Usual
Things never seem to slow down, even for a tiny it. This morning I awoke hoping it was still Sunday, but to my disappointment, it's another Monday. The weekends just seem to fly by. I really would love to have two days in my weekend, but that will not happen until Thanksgiving break for me. Saturday was the annual parent picnic. I think it turned out to be really nice even after all the mess in the morning. The people who work at the city community centers are so incompetent. I was told I had one pavilion but when I got there there was a 5K that wasn't ending until 11am at that pavilion. Thankfully there was a really nice police officer that was helping out and he called the park police to find out what was going on and got us to the pavilion that I had originally wanted but was already booked. Everything turned out to be really nice. The kids seemed to have fun, there was good food and the parents and teachers were able to mingle and talk to one another. All in all a nice morning/afternoon.
Saturday night Leland and I were finally able to get all glammed up and go out for a night on the town, well, partially. I had the Women's Conference that I left a little early from so we could go to Leland's event. Every year UTHSC does a huge fundraiser dinner and a dance after the dinner. All the graduates for the year were invited to attend the dance after the dinner. We decided to go and check things out. It was at the Grand Hyatt in downtown and I have to say, it is a gorgeous hotel! We were on the fourth floor in the Texas Ballroom. It was lit in red, white, and blue, and it was huuuuuuge! I was amazed as to how big of a room it was. We did a little dancing, ate some appetizers and talked to some of the profs at the school then it was off to Mi Tierra, only my all time favorite Mexican food restaurant. It felt so good to finally spend a few uninterrupted hours out with my husband. It was a fun little date night.
Leland has been sick for a few days and I am afraid he has mono. He has some of the same symptoms I had and his schedule has just worn him down. Fevers on and off all day and it gets really bad at night. Sore throat, hard to breathe, coughing, stuffy nose and altogether tiredness. I really hope it's not mono. Hopefully today he is better and can get back to his old routines. I feel so helpless. I wish there was something I could do for him to get him better, but I know there's nothing I can do. Poor guy.
Life is still busy as ever and trying to keep up with everything is really hard. I might have to go into hiding, oh, wait, I have already done that. Well, maybe go even more into hiding until I can get caught up with everything.
Saturday night Leland and I were finally able to get all glammed up and go out for a night on the town, well, partially. I had the Women's Conference that I left a little early from so we could go to Leland's event. Every year UTHSC does a huge fundraiser dinner and a dance after the dinner. All the graduates for the year were invited to attend the dance after the dinner. We decided to go and check things out. It was at the Grand Hyatt in downtown and I have to say, it is a gorgeous hotel! We were on the fourth floor in the Texas Ballroom. It was lit in red, white, and blue, and it was huuuuuuge! I was amazed as to how big of a room it was. We did a little dancing, ate some appetizers and talked to some of the profs at the school then it was off to Mi Tierra, only my all time favorite Mexican food restaurant. It felt so good to finally spend a few uninterrupted hours out with my husband. It was a fun little date night.
Leland has been sick for a few days and I am afraid he has mono. He has some of the same symptoms I had and his schedule has just worn him down. Fevers on and off all day and it gets really bad at night. Sore throat, hard to breathe, coughing, stuffy nose and altogether tiredness. I really hope it's not mono. Hopefully today he is better and can get back to his old routines. I feel so helpless. I wish there was something I could do for him to get him better, but I know there's nothing I can do. Poor guy.
Life is still busy as ever and trying to keep up with everything is really hard. I might have to go into hiding, oh, wait, I have already done that. Well, maybe go even more into hiding until I can get caught up with everything.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Finally! I Finished Something on My To-Do List
A long time ago I decided that I was going to refinish a hope chest that was my Grandpa Smith's. After about four years I finally decided to do it. The big reveal won't be for a couple of days, so you are just going to have to wait on pins and needles to see the finished product. The part I am happiest about is the fact that I actually did a fun, redecorating thing that I always talk about doing but never actually do it. My next goal, the dining room furniture. I may have to call in some help on this one. I want to replace the seat bottoms and cushions, but don't want to ruin the antique chairs and table. I also want to refinish the the chairs, table and buffet but living in an apartment doesn't make it easy to do since I can't move my furniture outside to do it. I will figure it all out then get it done. It feels so good to finally do one thing that has been on my to-do list for so long. I just wish I had a "before" picture so I could post and compare the "before" and "after" shots. Why didn't I think of that before? Dang it!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Musings at Midnight
I hate it when I can't fall asleep. I can't get comfortable, I'm too hot and things just keep running through my mind like crazy. It's like I can't turn my brain off right now. I thought what better way to turn my brain off than to write what is in my head, so this may be a long post. I don't blame you for not reading it all the way through.
Item Numero Uno: Cops (bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do, whatch gonna do when they come for you?)
The cops paid a visit to the school twice this week. Once was to serve a student with a Criminal Trespass Warning (he cannot step foot onto or into any NEISD facility without the written permission of the principal of the school he trespassed on or the police at that facility for two years), and once for making a report about a student who was mugged on the way to school. The mugging couldn't have happened to a better kid either. He takes the city bus to school because his grandmother and uncle whom he lives with cannot drive him to school. He gets off the bus and BAM he's pushed down from behind and has his phone stolen from him. Luckily the kid wasn't hurt. This is what peeves me. The cop comes in to take the report and stands with his arms folded across his chest the entire time he's there except when he is writing stuff down. He says there is nothing the police can do and then lectures the kid for about twenty minutes on safety. What the heck are the SAPD officers good for these days? They couldn't get the report right when my car was stolen and couldn't find it and now they can't help a scared kid. Here's what they can do, GET OFF YOUR FAT LAZY BUTTS AND START PROTECTING YOUR COMMUNITY! Instead of lecturing a kid for twenty minutes how about you get in your car and start driving around the area looking for the perp? That would be a good idea. My guess is the cop left and didn't do a darn thing to try to find the perp. On the up side, the kid that ran away last week was safely back home two nights later. he now has no freedom whatsoever, but he is back at home. Then there was a kid that threatened another student because he has been bullying a smaller kid in the class. It was kinda nice that the kid was sticking up for his friend, but it caused all sorts of trouble for me for about four hours then the kid that was threatened decided to leave the school after we called a conference with the all the kids parents that were involved. That made for an awkward conference. I had teachers come in to discuss things with both parents and I was ready to rumble then the bombshell of one kid leaving the school just made perfect timing for the awkward silence. Nice! The best part of the week is that there are two sixth graders that are constantly picking on each other. A boy and a girl no less. The girl says stuff to the boy and the boy to the girl and the girl's friends are all involved in the drama. The friends of the girl are in my office reporting to me the haps at PE that day because the girl is too upset to talk to me herself. Whatever! It's funny the things that come across your office.
Item Numero 2: Church
Today was a pretty good day at church. I was actually awake this morning so I could focus a bit easier. The best part was the lesson in YW. Cordy gave the lesson to the Beehives on journal writing. I think this is why I can't get to sleep tonight. My mind is racing of all the things I want to write about. As I was sitting in the lesson I soon realized there are two major events in my life that I have not written about ever, my baptism and my patriarchal blessing. I am going to start with my baptism and my memories of that and then move to my patriarchal blessing and the things that have some to pass thus far in my life.
My Baptism happened in Tulsa, Oklahoma on April of 1990 about three weeks after I turned 8 yrs old. I had to wait until then so my Grandpa Smith could come up from San Antonio to be a part of the event and confirm me. My mom had made my baptism dress of white terry cloth material. It was so soft. Sis. Walsh was the main speaker. She gave me a plant to remind me of the new covenants I had made that day. She was one of my favorite people. She died a few years later of cancer I believe. My dad was the one to baptize me. He had to dunk me twice because the aforementioned dress came up and lifted out of the water, go figure. Then my Grandpa Smith confirmed me a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I remember being a little nervous and scared, but once I come up out of the water and was confirmed, a feeling of peace resided in me. I am grateful for the choice I made at such a tender age to be a member of the church. I have learned so many things and have had so many blessing come my way because of that one evening in April.
My Patriarchal Blessing was done in July 1998. I was 16 yrs old and was just learning to drive and was so happy when my mom let me drive to the Patriarch's home in Copperas Cove to do the blessing. My dad was the bishop of my ward at that time and did my interview to make sure I was worthy to receive the blessing. Dad was not able to attend the blessing because of his duties as Bishop, but I know he was happy for my decision. Mom and I sat and talked with Patriarch Olsen for about ten minutes before he began the blessing. I had never met this man before and he was going to talk to me for ten minutes then be able to give me a blessing that was going to lay out my life for me? I thought that was interesting. My mom told me after my blessing that he truly is an inspired man, without knowing which of the 12 tribes my parents are from he was able to tell me that I am of the lineage of Ephraim (like both my parents). He also told me twice in the blessing to be sensitive to the Spirit. There have been a few times in my life that I have had to really listen to the Spirit. The most recent happened last year when I received a job offer in EP and didn't take it even though it was what I have been wanting to do with my life since high school. The Spirit gave me such an impression that I was not to take that job. At the time I didn't know why, but if I had taken that job I would not be happily married to an amazing man. The next impression of the Spirit was when I decided to move to SA. I originally moved here so that I could help take care of my aging, ailing Grandpa Smith and go to grad school. When G-pa died five months before I moved it put a kink in the plans and now I was moving for grad school and start my teaching career. It also put me in the place I am now. Inspiration three happened when I was trying to decide what college to go to. I was being heavily recruited by The University of Louisville. I was about two months away from signing on the dotted line when the head coach was no longer working there. I decided I would wait and see what was going to happen before I moved on. When January rolled around there was no news and I decided to re-start my search for a school. That's when UTEP entered. It was a difficult decisions because I was going to be 10 hrs from my family and no one lived there that I knew. I didn't want to go, but I did. I was able to grow a lot as a person and develop my testimony. It was a tough six years in EP, but I am grateful for the experience and the people. I was able to serve in capacities that I never thought possible and learn more than I ever have. My blessing also tells me (and I am paraphrasing here because I don't remember the exact wording) that I will be an example to and lead the youth. Right now I am an assistant principal at a middle/high school charter. I am also a counselor in the YW Presidency in my ward. I have also served as a Relief Society President and Counselor and more importantly, as a friend and confidant to many youth in my life. I was also told in my blessing that I would be married to a worthy priesthood holder in the temple. I believe because of that blessing right there I made the choices I did for my life. It was always my goal to be worthy to have a temple recommend and marry in the temple. There were many times when I had many choices before me that I knew would not lead me to the temple. I could have spent four or more years partying with my friends who are not members of the church and placed myself in some pretty bad situations. I could have not accepted the callings that I did. I could have made the decisions my brother made so I would not be made fun of for my my beliefs and so I could fit in with those around me. But I didn't. I made the decisions that I knew were going to benefit me. Many people would say that all of this is coincidence, but I know it's not. When a man who you have only known for ten minutes tells you these things at the age of 16 you are inclined not to believe it. But when you look back on the years and everything that has happened in your life and you find and read your blessing, you begin to see that that one man is truly inspired and led by the Spirit. After twelve years and many moves I have lost the actual blessing that is on paper, but I remember the blessings in my heart and my mind. There are some other things that are in my blessing that have not come to pass yet and I anxiously await the days that they do. I know my blessing is not a one shot deal it will continue to last through this life and the next. I am grateful for my knowledge of the gospel and the blessings it brings to my life.
I am still not tired nor am I ready for bed. It's after midnight and I have to wake up in about five hours. Maybe now that things are out of my head I can let me mind be at rest and I can sleep. We shall see what happens. But for now, Good Night!
Item Numero Uno: Cops (bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do, whatch gonna do when they come for you?)
The cops paid a visit to the school twice this week. Once was to serve a student with a Criminal Trespass Warning (he cannot step foot onto or into any NEISD facility without the written permission of the principal of the school he trespassed on or the police at that facility for two years), and once for making a report about a student who was mugged on the way to school. The mugging couldn't have happened to a better kid either. He takes the city bus to school because his grandmother and uncle whom he lives with cannot drive him to school. He gets off the bus and BAM he's pushed down from behind and has his phone stolen from him. Luckily the kid wasn't hurt. This is what peeves me. The cop comes in to take the report and stands with his arms folded across his chest the entire time he's there except when he is writing stuff down. He says there is nothing the police can do and then lectures the kid for about twenty minutes on safety. What the heck are the SAPD officers good for these days? They couldn't get the report right when my car was stolen and couldn't find it and now they can't help a scared kid. Here's what they can do, GET OFF YOUR FAT LAZY BUTTS AND START PROTECTING YOUR COMMUNITY! Instead of lecturing a kid for twenty minutes how about you get in your car and start driving around the area looking for the perp? That would be a good idea. My guess is the cop left and didn't do a darn thing to try to find the perp. On the up side, the kid that ran away last week was safely back home two nights later. he now has no freedom whatsoever, but he is back at home. Then there was a kid that threatened another student because he has been bullying a smaller kid in the class. It was kinda nice that the kid was sticking up for his friend, but it caused all sorts of trouble for me for about four hours then the kid that was threatened decided to leave the school after we called a conference with the all the kids parents that were involved. That made for an awkward conference. I had teachers come in to discuss things with both parents and I was ready to rumble then the bombshell of one kid leaving the school just made perfect timing for the awkward silence. Nice! The best part of the week is that there are two sixth graders that are constantly picking on each other. A boy and a girl no less. The girl says stuff to the boy and the boy to the girl and the girl's friends are all involved in the drama. The friends of the girl are in my office reporting to me the haps at PE that day because the girl is too upset to talk to me herself. Whatever! It's funny the things that come across your office.
Item Numero 2: Church
Today was a pretty good day at church. I was actually awake this morning so I could focus a bit easier. The best part was the lesson in YW. Cordy gave the lesson to the Beehives on journal writing. I think this is why I can't get to sleep tonight. My mind is racing of all the things I want to write about. As I was sitting in the lesson I soon realized there are two major events in my life that I have not written about ever, my baptism and my patriarchal blessing. I am going to start with my baptism and my memories of that and then move to my patriarchal blessing and the things that have some to pass thus far in my life.
My Baptism happened in Tulsa, Oklahoma on April of 1990 about three weeks after I turned 8 yrs old. I had to wait until then so my Grandpa Smith could come up from San Antonio to be a part of the event and confirm me. My mom had made my baptism dress of white terry cloth material. It was so soft. Sis. Walsh was the main speaker. She gave me a plant to remind me of the new covenants I had made that day. She was one of my favorite people. She died a few years later of cancer I believe. My dad was the one to baptize me. He had to dunk me twice because the aforementioned dress came up and lifted out of the water, go figure. Then my Grandpa Smith confirmed me a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I remember being a little nervous and scared, but once I come up out of the water and was confirmed, a feeling of peace resided in me. I am grateful for the choice I made at such a tender age to be a member of the church. I have learned so many things and have had so many blessing come my way because of that one evening in April.
My Patriarchal Blessing was done in July 1998. I was 16 yrs old and was just learning to drive and was so happy when my mom let me drive to the Patriarch's home in Copperas Cove to do the blessing. My dad was the bishop of my ward at that time and did my interview to make sure I was worthy to receive the blessing. Dad was not able to attend the blessing because of his duties as Bishop, but I know he was happy for my decision. Mom and I sat and talked with Patriarch Olsen for about ten minutes before he began the blessing. I had never met this man before and he was going to talk to me for ten minutes then be able to give me a blessing that was going to lay out my life for me? I thought that was interesting. My mom told me after my blessing that he truly is an inspired man, without knowing which of the 12 tribes my parents are from he was able to tell me that I am of the lineage of Ephraim (like both my parents). He also told me twice in the blessing to be sensitive to the Spirit. There have been a few times in my life that I have had to really listen to the Spirit. The most recent happened last year when I received a job offer in EP and didn't take it even though it was what I have been wanting to do with my life since high school. The Spirit gave me such an impression that I was not to take that job. At the time I didn't know why, but if I had taken that job I would not be happily married to an amazing man. The next impression of the Spirit was when I decided to move to SA. I originally moved here so that I could help take care of my aging, ailing Grandpa Smith and go to grad school. When G-pa died five months before I moved it put a kink in the plans and now I was moving for grad school and start my teaching career. It also put me in the place I am now. Inspiration three happened when I was trying to decide what college to go to. I was being heavily recruited by The University of Louisville. I was about two months away from signing on the dotted line when the head coach was no longer working there. I decided I would wait and see what was going to happen before I moved on. When January rolled around there was no news and I decided to re-start my search for a school. That's when UTEP entered. It was a difficult decisions because I was going to be 10 hrs from my family and no one lived there that I knew. I didn't want to go, but I did. I was able to grow a lot as a person and develop my testimony. It was a tough six years in EP, but I am grateful for the experience and the people. I was able to serve in capacities that I never thought possible and learn more than I ever have. My blessing also tells me (and I am paraphrasing here because I don't remember the exact wording) that I will be an example to and lead the youth. Right now I am an assistant principal at a middle/high school charter. I am also a counselor in the YW Presidency in my ward. I have also served as a Relief Society President and Counselor and more importantly, as a friend and confidant to many youth in my life. I was also told in my blessing that I would be married to a worthy priesthood holder in the temple. I believe because of that blessing right there I made the choices I did for my life. It was always my goal to be worthy to have a temple recommend and marry in the temple. There were many times when I had many choices before me that I knew would not lead me to the temple. I could have spent four or more years partying with my friends who are not members of the church and placed myself in some pretty bad situations. I could have not accepted the callings that I did. I could have made the decisions my brother made so I would not be made fun of for my my beliefs and so I could fit in with those around me. But I didn't. I made the decisions that I knew were going to benefit me. Many people would say that all of this is coincidence, but I know it's not. When a man who you have only known for ten minutes tells you these things at the age of 16 you are inclined not to believe it. But when you look back on the years and everything that has happened in your life and you find and read your blessing, you begin to see that that one man is truly inspired and led by the Spirit. After twelve years and many moves I have lost the actual blessing that is on paper, but I remember the blessings in my heart and my mind. There are some other things that are in my blessing that have not come to pass yet and I anxiously await the days that they do. I know my blessing is not a one shot deal it will continue to last through this life and the next. I am grateful for my knowledge of the gospel and the blessings it brings to my life.
I am still not tired nor am I ready for bed. It's after midnight and I have to wake up in about five hours. Maybe now that things are out of my head I can let me mind be at rest and I can sleep. We shall see what happens. But for now, Good Night!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
9/11 - I Will Never Forget, Will You?
Today is the 9th anniversary of the terrorist attacks that took out the World Trade Towers. I remember that day so clearly. I woke up about five minutes before my dad left for work and walked into the living room. I saw a building on fire and asked my dad what movie he was watching. He said he was watching the news. I didn't believe him until I heard the newscasters and started to really watch everything. It was unbelievable! I left for school at my normal time went to my first class where some people were talking about it. After class I went to the student union at UTEP and met a friend for breakfast before going to my next class. AS we sat and watched the TV at the union the crowed started to grow. A little after 9am we watched as the first tower started to fall. By this time the second plane had hit the second tower. Then before going to class the second tower fell and there was nothing but a dust cloud. Later that day more and more footage and pictures started coming out on the news stations. There were pictures of papers falling from the sky, people jumping and falling from the buildings, firemen in all their gear, people crying, battered, torn, families watching from apartments, looks of confusion, shock, horror. Then there came the unity. I have never felt such a sense of American pride an unity across the entire country. From the Atlantic to the Pacific, from the Canadian Border to the Mexican Border the entire country heard the words of George W. Bush, "Let's Roll" and everyone was ready to fight, ready to take it to the people responsible for this sucker punch from behind. Today we are still fighting the terrorist and many people do not agree with what is going on. Do they not remember what was done on our soil? What happened just nine years ago? How quickly we forget, but me I will never forget. As I sit watching the History Channel (I must be getting old when I can see myself in history) and seeing the pictures and video from that day I am taken back to what I was doing that morning. I still cannot believe what happened that morning and it is still weird looking at pictures of the New York skyline without the Twin Towers there. It's still heart-wrenching. I will never forget the men, women and children effected by the events of that day. I will never forget the brave soldiers that are still fighting for our protection and putting their lives at stake so I can live as I do. Thank you to all who protect this great nation. You are blessed and loved by so many. I have the deepest respect for you. Thank you. Do you remember what you were doing that day?
Saturday, September 4, 2010
A Set of Fresh Batteries . . .
and I bring you this (ONLY IN UTAH)
A sight for sore eyes! So TEXAS!
Family Preparedness Sale. Where else could you find this?
The Marriage Guarantee? Really? You can guarantee that? Can you get your money back if you don't get married? haha!
This isn't all the pics, just a little taste. Blogger isn't being very helpful right now. When I get them all posted on FB I will let y'all know.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Best Hot Fudge Ever!
1 cube butter
1 can evaporated milk
1 cup chocolate chips (semi-sweet)
2 cups powdered sugar
Throw it all into a pot and let it boil for two to three minutes. The longer it boils the thicker it will be. Let it cool then serve with your favorite ice cream or other dessert, or you can just grab a spoon and dig in like I do. Either way it's so yummilicous!
1 can evaporated milk
1 cup chocolate chips (semi-sweet)
2 cups powdered sugar
Throw it all into a pot and let it boil for two to three minutes. The longer it boils the thicker it will be. Let it cool then serve with your favorite ice cream or other dessert, or you can just grab a spoon and dig in like I do. Either way it's so yummilicous!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
What a Life!
It's been a a little more than a week since I have done any writing. Who knew my life would be so crazy right now? I thought it would be, but not like this though. I knew I was going to have late days at the "office" and I wouldn't have much time for socializing, but I had no idea it was going to be this busy. I go home and if I am not doing anything work related I fall asleep on the couch and stay there until about 1 or 2 in the morning before making it back to bed. I have not been able to workout as much as I thought I would. I maybe get three workouts in a week. I just have to get more settled then I will be okay.
Updates from school:
I have already had three parents in my office for minor skirmishes. Better to call the parents right away than wait for something bigger to happen.
I have already made one boy cry. I thought it would affect me more than what it did. He understands what he did, the consequence he was given, and why it was given. He actually came into my office today to pick up his notification form in a good mood. Weird.
Kids are following the school rules a little better than they use to. I had one kid tell me he's really grateful that I am the Dean of Students. He then proceeded to tell me what he thought of the last guy and how much he hated him. Good times.
Locks placed on the wrong lockers was a blast. Kids coming as much as a week after receiving their lockers and needing their combinations. Kids don't remember anything.
Two of my favorite kids left the school.
So far, no graffiti in the bathrooms. Although, I think I just jinxed it.
Wednesday Folders, grrrrrrrr.
I now appreciate the weekends so much more. I will really grow to appreciate Sunday even more than what I already do.
Those are the events of the past week and half I guess. I have completely lost track of all time. I forgot today was September. I even forgot that we have a three day weekend because of Labor Day. I didn't even realize that Leland and I have been married for eight full months now. I just hope I don't forget the big 1 year mark, that would totally hoover (it might be funny a few years from now).
Leland is quite busy as well. Seminary is going good, so far. He took his board exam on Monday and we are now anxiously awaiting the results. It was a computer test so the results should have been immediate, right? At least you would think they could get the results to him quicker than October. Reffing football is in full swing and he's loving it. Football season is here and so there goes my husband. We were at a friend's house the other night playing games and he was distracted by the NFL Fantasy Football Draft that he had on his phone. Sad. I married a football man, what can I say. He is back in the lab researching and writing so he can finish everything by May. I think that's all. There is just so much going on that I can't keep up anymore. Thanksgiving will be a very welcomed break for the both of us. Life is great, I love it and would have it no other way!
Updates from school:
I have already had three parents in my office for minor skirmishes. Better to call the parents right away than wait for something bigger to happen.
I have already made one boy cry. I thought it would affect me more than what it did. He understands what he did, the consequence he was given, and why it was given. He actually came into my office today to pick up his notification form in a good mood. Weird.
Kids are following the school rules a little better than they use to. I had one kid tell me he's really grateful that I am the Dean of Students. He then proceeded to tell me what he thought of the last guy and how much he hated him. Good times.
Locks placed on the wrong lockers was a blast. Kids coming as much as a week after receiving their lockers and needing their combinations. Kids don't remember anything.
Two of my favorite kids left the school.
So far, no graffiti in the bathrooms. Although, I think I just jinxed it.
Wednesday Folders, grrrrrrrr.
I now appreciate the weekends so much more. I will really grow to appreciate Sunday even more than what I already do.
Those are the events of the past week and half I guess. I have completely lost track of all time. I forgot today was September. I even forgot that we have a three day weekend because of Labor Day. I didn't even realize that Leland and I have been married for eight full months now. I just hope I don't forget the big 1 year mark, that would totally hoover (it might be funny a few years from now).
Leland is quite busy as well. Seminary is going good, so far. He took his board exam on Monday and we are now anxiously awaiting the results. It was a computer test so the results should have been immediate, right? At least you would think they could get the results to him quicker than October. Reffing football is in full swing and he's loving it. Football season is here and so there goes my husband. We were at a friend's house the other night playing games and he was distracted by the NFL Fantasy Football Draft that he had on his phone. Sad. I married a football man, what can I say. He is back in the lab researching and writing so he can finish everything by May. I think that's all. There is just so much going on that I can't keep up anymore. Thanksgiving will be a very welcomed break for the both of us. Life is great, I love it and would have it no other way!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Life is Getting Busy
This whole "Dean of Students" thing is killing me! It's been a struggle, but it's also been good knowing that I have the support of my teachers. I also found out that I will be acting as the liaison between the admin and the teachers. That was not a duty assigned to me by my principal, but something I found out from talking to one of the teacher's husbands. I knew that was going to happen though. My teachers have told me that they finally feel comfortable going to someone in the admin. That makes me feel better. I was also told by a few parents that they were glad to see that I was the Dean of Students. One parent almost fell to the ground with relief when he found out. A bit too much of a reaction if you ask me. I have spent 12+ hours everyday at school trying to get things ready for the year and, most importantly, the first day of school. I am really hoping things go smoothly tomorrow, but I know Murphy's Law will rear it's ugly head in there somewhere. I have also realized that I will not have as much time to write on my blog. I apologize to all my followers out there (all 7 of you). My life will not be out there as much.
Today we had a special Stake Conference. President Butler and his presidency were released. President Butler and President Brooks either will be or have already moved out of SA. The new Presidency is President Spendlove, President Lindberg, and President Carlisle. Elder C. Scott Grow of the Quorum of the Seventy came for the whole event and gave a great talk. He spoke on the Family Proclamation and the importance of family. We see so much the attack on the family so it was a great reminder what we should be doing and who has given us the responsibility of family.
Leland is working hard studying for his boards which he takes in a week, preparing to teach seminary, reffing high school football, and working on his research and dissertation. It's going to be a busy year. Great, but busy.
Oh! I found my camera cord so I can now upload my "Only in Utah" pics. It won't be all of them, but some of them. I do know that some of the things pictured are not just Utah, but for me, it's "Only in Utah"
Aw, dang it! My batteries are low and I don't have any in the house. Okay, so when I get batteries, I will get them up here.
Today we had a special Stake Conference. President Butler and his presidency were released. President Butler and President Brooks either will be or have already moved out of SA. The new Presidency is President Spendlove, President Lindberg, and President Carlisle. Elder C. Scott Grow of the Quorum of the Seventy came for the whole event and gave a great talk. He spoke on the Family Proclamation and the importance of family. We see so much the attack on the family so it was a great reminder what we should be doing and who has given us the responsibility of family.
Leland is working hard studying for his boards which he takes in a week, preparing to teach seminary, reffing high school football, and working on his research and dissertation. It's going to be a busy year. Great, but busy.
Oh! I found my camera cord so I can now upload my "Only in Utah" pics. It won't be all of them, but some of them. I do know that some of the things pictured are not just Utah, but for me, it's "Only in Utah"
Aw, dang it! My batteries are low and I don't have any in the house. Okay, so when I get batteries, I will get them up here.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Sunday, August 1, 2010
I'm Back!
It's been a little while since I have written because I have been out of town the past two weeks and did not take my computer. Seeing the family was a lot of fun and meeting the rest of Leland's family was great! Utah, I have to admit, was fun. But I will touch on that later. It's great to be back in SA. I missed home so much. There is no place quite like Texas!
We started the vacation visiting my parents in El Paso. We went up to Cloudcroft and Ruidoso, NM to take a break from the heat. It gets into the 70's in the middle of summer. It's a nice little retreat to see the beauty and feel the coolness. We didn't really do much there besides help my dad out with some decorating things around the house and do an early birthday celebration for Leland. The dogs were excited as always to us. Tipper has finally accepted to playing second fiddle to Leland. He's still not happy about it, but he has accepted it. Hallie has also realized the Leland is part of the family by wiping her slobbering water mouth on him. After Hallie drinks water from her bowl she has enough manners to find the nearest napkin to wipe her mouth on so water doesn't get all over the floor. That napkin just happened to be Leland no matter where in the house he was. It's official, Leland is part of the family =0)
Utah, let's say it is something never to forget. It was different from what I expected. When I got off the plane and we were driving to Orem the only thing I could think was that I was in a bowl and began feeling a little claustrophobic. But I got use to it by time we left, so no big. I ate a ton of food from some of Leland's favorite restaurants. The list includes, Tucano's Brazilian Steakhouse (yumminess), Cafe Rio, Mi Ranchito (both are nice tries at Mexican, but would never pass in Texas), Brick Oven (best calzone I have ever eaten in my life), Sensuous Sandwich (great sandwich) and I think there was one more, but I can't remember. One night Leland's best friend, Jarred, and his wife and two adorable little girls took us out through Alpine Loop. It was gorgeous! The stars were so clear, the air crisp and cool. The only bad thing was the ride up was really curvy and the roads were do narrow I thought we were going to drive off the side. It was fun seeing a waterfall at night and all the aspen and pine trees. I would love to go back during the day and do some hiking up there. Thanks to Jarred and his little fam for taking us up there. I also had the honor of participating in my first Pioneer Day celebration, family style Minute to Win It, and Cul de Sac of Fire (or Cul de Sac del Fuego as I call it). We also celebrated Leland's 30th birthday. He's and old man now, no longer a young buck. It was fun and we had a fantastic time! I also took a grand tour of Provo and the BYU area. It wasn't as nice as I thought it would be. It did have some really cute houses (I love the red brick homes) but it wasn't what I expected. The one thing I loved about the areas I went to, they were so clean. I have never seen public restrooms and universities that were so well taken care of. There were no plastic bags in the street and I saw no litter. No joke, I didn't see one piece of trash on the street. It was so refreshing! I also started an "Only in Utah" photo album. There were so many things that I had never seen anywhere in my travels across the United States that I had to have an "Only in Utah" album. For example, there was an apartment complex that had the title of "Home of the Marriage Guarantee". The Sam's in Provo also had paintings of Temples and pictures of Prophets for sale, only in Utah could you find that. That will be the next album I put on facebook once I get back into the apartment. I almose forgot the best part of the visit, the Salt Lake City Temple. You can't really see it anymore because of all the build up around it, but it is beautiful! I was able to go through a live session which was so much fun! The workers did a fantastic job and really got into the parts they were playing, I loved it! We also did an open house out there. I was telling Leland we should get married and have an open house every year. The gift cards are awesome! It was fun meeting all the new people in my life (and seeing a friend I had not seen in over ten years) and hearing stories about my wonderful husband. He is a really loved person in that area of the world. It's fun hearing all the wonderful things about your spouse from people you don't know.
Being back in SA has been great but it would be better if I were in my own bed (I miss it so much). We got home Saturday night and there was this awful smell of mildew. I just figured it was because we had turned off the A/C while we were gone and it was really humid and rainy. It wasn't until Leland looked at the floor and saw that the carpet was completely soaked. The copper wiring to the refrigerator had sprung a leak. We spent the rest of the night securing a place to stay and helping the carpet guy move furniture so he could start sucking up the water and removing the padding underneath the carpet. He said that there had to have been a couple hundred gallons of water that sprung forth. Silly me, I was worried someone was going to break into the place and ransack all our stuff. I should have been worried about the fridge instead. We don't know the extent of the damage yet but will find out soon enough. But, you know, it's a part of life that you have to deal with. Deal with it and move on to other things like meeting with my new principal tomorrow morning. I think I will find out if I got the admin job or not. I will let you know tomorrow. Fingers are crossed, eeeek!
We started the vacation visiting my parents in El Paso. We went up to Cloudcroft and Ruidoso, NM to take a break from the heat. It gets into the 70's in the middle of summer. It's a nice little retreat to see the beauty and feel the coolness. We didn't really do much there besides help my dad out with some decorating things around the house and do an early birthday celebration for Leland. The dogs were excited as always to us. Tipper has finally accepted to playing second fiddle to Leland. He's still not happy about it, but he has accepted it. Hallie has also realized the Leland is part of the family by wiping her slobbering water mouth on him. After Hallie drinks water from her bowl she has enough manners to find the nearest napkin to wipe her mouth on so water doesn't get all over the floor. That napkin just happened to be Leland no matter where in the house he was. It's official, Leland is part of the family =0)
Utah, let's say it is something never to forget. It was different from what I expected. When I got off the plane and we were driving to Orem the only thing I could think was that I was in a bowl and began feeling a little claustrophobic. But I got use to it by time we left, so no big. I ate a ton of food from some of Leland's favorite restaurants. The list includes, Tucano's Brazilian Steakhouse (yumminess), Cafe Rio, Mi Ranchito (both are nice tries at Mexican, but would never pass in Texas), Brick Oven (best calzone I have ever eaten in my life), Sensuous Sandwich (great sandwich) and I think there was one more, but I can't remember. One night Leland's best friend, Jarred, and his wife and two adorable little girls took us out through Alpine Loop. It was gorgeous! The stars were so clear, the air crisp and cool. The only bad thing was the ride up was really curvy and the roads were do narrow I thought we were going to drive off the side. It was fun seeing a waterfall at night and all the aspen and pine trees. I would love to go back during the day and do some hiking up there. Thanks to Jarred and his little fam for taking us up there. I also had the honor of participating in my first Pioneer Day celebration, family style Minute to Win It, and Cul de Sac of Fire (or Cul de Sac del Fuego as I call it). We also celebrated Leland's 30th birthday. He's and old man now, no longer a young buck. It was fun and we had a fantastic time! I also took a grand tour of Provo and the BYU area. It wasn't as nice as I thought it would be. It did have some really cute houses (I love the red brick homes) but it wasn't what I expected. The one thing I loved about the areas I went to, they were so clean. I have never seen public restrooms and universities that were so well taken care of. There were no plastic bags in the street and I saw no litter. No joke, I didn't see one piece of trash on the street. It was so refreshing! I also started an "Only in Utah" photo album. There were so many things that I had never seen anywhere in my travels across the United States that I had to have an "Only in Utah" album. For example, there was an apartment complex that had the title of "Home of the Marriage Guarantee". The Sam's in Provo also had paintings of Temples and pictures of Prophets for sale, only in Utah could you find that. That will be the next album I put on facebook once I get back into the apartment. I almose forgot the best part of the visit, the Salt Lake City Temple. You can't really see it anymore because of all the build up around it, but it is beautiful! I was able to go through a live session which was so much fun! The workers did a fantastic job and really got into the parts they were playing, I loved it! We also did an open house out there. I was telling Leland we should get married and have an open house every year. The gift cards are awesome! It was fun meeting all the new people in my life (and seeing a friend I had not seen in over ten years) and hearing stories about my wonderful husband. He is a really loved person in that area of the world. It's fun hearing all the wonderful things about your spouse from people you don't know.
Being back in SA has been great but it would be better if I were in my own bed (I miss it so much). We got home Saturday night and there was this awful smell of mildew. I just figured it was because we had turned off the A/C while we were gone and it was really humid and rainy. It wasn't until Leland looked at the floor and saw that the carpet was completely soaked. The copper wiring to the refrigerator had sprung a leak. We spent the rest of the night securing a place to stay and helping the carpet guy move furniture so he could start sucking up the water and removing the padding underneath the carpet. He said that there had to have been a couple hundred gallons of water that sprung forth. Silly me, I was worried someone was going to break into the place and ransack all our stuff. I should have been worried about the fridge instead. We don't know the extent of the damage yet but will find out soon enough. But, you know, it's a part of life that you have to deal with. Deal with it and move on to other things like meeting with my new principal tomorrow morning. I think I will find out if I got the admin job or not. I will let you know tomorrow. Fingers are crossed, eeeek!
Monday, July 12, 2010
Congratulations Espana!

Espana is the new World Cup Champions! The game was pretty uneventful, except for all the yellow cards the ref was giving out. The goal came in the 116th minute of the game. For non-soccer people a soccer game is normally only 90 minutes. With only about three minutes left in the game Iniesta scored to win the game 1-0. The Netherlands and their really cool orange jersies took second in the world and Germany took third. It is no easy feat to be a World Champion. Maybe the NBA and NFL and MLB should take a shot at playing the top countries in the entire world before they call their champions "World Champions". Anyway, Congratulations to Spain and all their talented soccer players!
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Happy Independence Day
Since I will probably not write tomorrow, since I will be getting ready for girl's camp, Happy 4th o' July! The day we, these great United States of America, declared our independence from British rule. It seems a little ironic that on the day we celebrate our independence, we have a government that is trying to take away our independence. I am not going to get into politics because it will just make my beautiful day turn grey, but i just think of everything that is going on with our government and can't help but think that we are in a major decline, and we will be losing our God-given freedoms. On to better stuff. . .
Last night was a great night. Leland and I went to dinner at Pasha, a really good Mediterranean grill. It is more of the Middle Eastern Mediterranean than Greek or Italian. They have this Tanour bread that is oh so good! If you have ever had Indian naan, it is very similar. I then got a falafel wrap and Greek salad. The salad was not the normal Greek salad. It had shredded beets and an almost catalina-like dressing. It was still really good. Leland got the gyro (pronounced hero) plate. It came with fresh, homemade hummus and nothing but the lamb and beef meats and salad. I love gyro meat. It is always so flavorful and the perfect thinness. Mmmmmm, gyro meat. After dinner we went to North Star Mall and walked around a little bit. While there Leland saw a shirt at Spencer's that he really liked, then I saw it and it was awesome. It's not the normal Spencer's crude t-shirts. It is an American Fighter t-shirt for Carwin. He's a UFC fighter that will be fighting reigning world heavyweight title holder Brock Lesner tonight. The shirt is black with an American flag running down the front and the back with the wording and stuff for Carwin's sponsors and fight club stuff. I just really like how patriotic it is. It is pretty cool. So he bought it. Then it was my turn to do some shopping. I haven't bought a really cute pair of heels in over a year, so I decided it was time to look and buy a pair of really cute heels. So off to Journey's we went. I started looking at some shoes that are purple, white, and silver a little strappy with a peep-toe and a zipper on the back of the heel. Soooo cute! Even better, only 20 buck-a-roos. When I asked to try them on I noticed the salesgirl was gone a little longer than normal and figured they must not have the size I wanted and she was searching for them. That was not the case, they had my size, but she was also looking for other shoes that I might like in those colors and styles, score! She came out with two pairs of heels, the original ones I saw and another really cute pair. The other pair are a darker purple with a few different designs. They are still a peep-toe and the top has a cute zipper. They are really hard to explain, you have to see them to get the full picture. The girl who was helping me disappeared and another guy came over and was helping me instead. I had one shoe on each foot trying to decided which shoe I wanted. He said they both looked good, which I did not argue that because they both looked great, and said I should get both. He went to the display and found the second shoe and showed me the price, 50 bucks. My heart sank, I was only going to be able to get the first pair. To my surprise, he then says "Tell you what, buy the $20 shoes and I will give the other pair for $25." What!? Could my ears be deceiving me? Buy one get one 1/2 off? I could not pass that deal up! So two pairs of shoes of the original price of one. That totally made my night. As we were walking down the halls of the mall I turned to Leland and said, "What more could a girl ask for? A great dinner, shoes, and a great man!" I know, cheesy, but oh well. Then we went to La Cantera to check out the Six Flags fireworks. If you need someplace to watch fireworks tomorrow night, go to La Cantera and watch the Six Flags fireworks from there. Finally, back home after a quick stop at HEB for ice cream. All in all a great date night and beginning to a wonderful July 4th weekend!
Last night was a great night. Leland and I went to dinner at Pasha, a really good Mediterranean grill. It is more of the Middle Eastern Mediterranean than Greek or Italian. They have this Tanour bread that is oh so good! If you have ever had Indian naan, it is very similar. I then got a falafel wrap and Greek salad. The salad was not the normal Greek salad. It had shredded beets and an almost catalina-like dressing. It was still really good. Leland got the gyro (pronounced hero) plate. It came with fresh, homemade hummus and nothing but the lamb and beef meats and salad. I love gyro meat. It is always so flavorful and the perfect thinness. Mmmmmm, gyro meat. After dinner we went to North Star Mall and walked around a little bit. While there Leland saw a shirt at Spencer's that he really liked, then I saw it and it was awesome. It's not the normal Spencer's crude t-shirts. It is an American Fighter t-shirt for Carwin. He's a UFC fighter that will be fighting reigning world heavyweight title holder Brock Lesner tonight. The shirt is black with an American flag running down the front and the back with the wording and stuff for Carwin's sponsors and fight club stuff. I just really like how patriotic it is. It is pretty cool. So he bought it. Then it was my turn to do some shopping. I haven't bought a really cute pair of heels in over a year, so I decided it was time to look and buy a pair of really cute heels. So off to Journey's we went. I started looking at some shoes that are purple, white, and silver a little strappy with a peep-toe and a zipper on the back of the heel. Soooo cute! Even better, only 20 buck-a-roos. When I asked to try them on I noticed the salesgirl was gone a little longer than normal and figured they must not have the size I wanted and she was searching for them. That was not the case, they had my size, but she was also looking for other shoes that I might like in those colors and styles, score! She came out with two pairs of heels, the original ones I saw and another really cute pair. The other pair are a darker purple with a few different designs. They are still a peep-toe and the top has a cute zipper. They are really hard to explain, you have to see them to get the full picture. The girl who was helping me disappeared and another guy came over and was helping me instead. I had one shoe on each foot trying to decided which shoe I wanted. He said they both looked good, which I did not argue that because they both looked great, and said I should get both. He went to the display and found the second shoe and showed me the price, 50 bucks. My heart sank, I was only going to be able to get the first pair. To my surprise, he then says "Tell you what, buy the $20 shoes and I will give the other pair for $25." What!? Could my ears be deceiving me? Buy one get one 1/2 off? I could not pass that deal up! So two pairs of shoes of the original price of one. That totally made my night. As we were walking down the halls of the mall I turned to Leland and said, "What more could a girl ask for? A great dinner, shoes, and a great man!" I know, cheesy, but oh well. Then we went to La Cantera to check out the Six Flags fireworks. If you need someplace to watch fireworks tomorrow night, go to La Cantera and watch the Six Flags fireworks from there. Finally, back home after a quick stop at HEB for ice cream. All in all a great date night and beginning to a wonderful July 4th weekend!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Summer and Soccer, What More Could You Ask For?
Summertime is wonderful time! I am really enjoying the time I have off. I cannot remember the last time I had so much free time. I am actually able to keep the apartment clean and all laundry stays caught up. The living room and kitchen haven't been this organized since Christmas Break, I love it! The past couple of weeks since getting home from Florida has been all about girl's camp. This year's theme is "It's a Jungle Out There!" I have been to almost every single store to find safari/jungle themed things. Hobby Lobby has been my best friend. I love walking through that place when I have a chore in mind. Hobby Lobby has some kind of power over me or something. I am not a creative person so I steer clear of places like Hobby Lobby unless I really have to go there. These past couple of weeks as I have been looking for stuff I have had a flood of ideas and creativeness. I am not finished with all my projects yet, but it's getting there. I am so excited that I had at not one, but several creative thoughts! That never, and I mean never, happens to me. Maybe there is some latent creativity and all I need to do is walk around Hobby Lobby to unleash the creativeness. Things are coming together and I am getting more and more excited and stressed as camp rolls around. A couple more weeks and it will all be over so I better take in all the fun now before it's all gone for another year.
The World Cup! It has been the most amazing World Cup ever! I mean, Italy and France two nations that have recently won the World Cup are out the first round! Two of the favorites gone. Thrown out like yesterday's garbage. Brazil, of course, is still in it. It is very hard for them to go our first round and sometimes it's hard to get them out in the elimination rounds too. The story so far though has been the USA. They tied England 1-1, then they come from behind and tie Slovenia 2-2 (they actually beat Slovenia but one of the goals was called back for no reason) and then, in a do or die situation, they beat Algeria 1-0 in stoppage time to win the group and move on to the round of 16. The USA, again, had a goal taken back. It's absolutely ridiculous the reffing that is going on. Two game winning goals in two games that are called back when there was no foul or off-sides to be called. I really think there is some personal biases against the USA by the referees that call their games. The refs have been tough this year, tougher than I have ever seen them, but they have not been this unfair. The problem also lies in the refs not having to answer for the calls they make. They never have to explain one call. In some cases, it's justified because it's a clear foul or something else happening, but in the cases of the USA there were no fouls being committed by the USA, but by the Slovenians, and the goal was taken back and the ref could not give a reason why. Leland keep saying they need to have a review system during the games, but this is soccer. There are no time-outs there is only stoppage time for injuries and cards. It's the purity of the sport that I love about it. I do not care for the fakers that roll around like they are in agony until the foul is called or card given, it only cheapens the game and is also one reason why soccer will never be a powerhouse sport in the USA. If you can't take a hit and you have be cheap to win, then you are not a real athlete and need to be in a career that you can handle. But, anyway, the World Cup has been amazing and I am loving every minute of it!
The World Cup! It has been the most amazing World Cup ever! I mean, Italy and France two nations that have recently won the World Cup are out the first round! Two of the favorites gone. Thrown out like yesterday's garbage. Brazil, of course, is still in it. It is very hard for them to go our first round and sometimes it's hard to get them out in the elimination rounds too. The story so far though has been the USA. They tied England 1-1, then they come from behind and tie Slovenia 2-2 (they actually beat Slovenia but one of the goals was called back for no reason) and then, in a do or die situation, they beat Algeria 1-0 in stoppage time to win the group and move on to the round of 16. The USA, again, had a goal taken back. It's absolutely ridiculous the reffing that is going on. Two game winning goals in two games that are called back when there was no foul or off-sides to be called. I really think there is some personal biases against the USA by the referees that call their games. The refs have been tough this year, tougher than I have ever seen them, but they have not been this unfair. The problem also lies in the refs not having to answer for the calls they make. They never have to explain one call. In some cases, it's justified because it's a clear foul or something else happening, but in the cases of the USA there were no fouls being committed by the USA, but by the Slovenians, and the goal was taken back and the ref could not give a reason why. Leland keep saying they need to have a review system during the games, but this is soccer. There are no time-outs there is only stoppage time for injuries and cards. It's the purity of the sport that I love about it. I do not care for the fakers that roll around like they are in agony until the foul is called or card given, it only cheapens the game and is also one reason why soccer will never be a powerhouse sport in the USA. If you can't take a hit and you have be cheap to win, then you are not a real athlete and need to be in a career that you can handle. But, anyway, the World Cup has been amazing and I am loving every minute of it!
- It's been a little funny seeing all these people that could not care less about soccer all of a sudden becoming a soccer fans. Actually, it's a little annoying. If you can only like a sport every four years then why bother, you make a mockery of all that is decent in the sport. Either live it and love at all years, or don't. Stop jumping on the bandwagon!
Friday, June 11, 2010
Instead of placing pictures here, because it would take forever, I am giving you the link to my facebook photo album of our trip to Florida ( ). I hope you enjoy the pics!
The trip was amazing! We were able to see my Great Aunt Edna and Great Uncle Del. It was nice being able to spend some time with them, especially since Del's medical happening since Christmas. Del and Edna will be celebrating their 61st anniversary in a couple of days. They are the cutest couple ever. The love they share is evident. Edna is a great care taker. She makes sure Del has all of his medications everyday to keep him alive and kicking. She also wakes up in the middle of the night to check on him to make sure he is doing okay. Del gives her a hard time, but that's just what he does and he is always kidding when he does so. When we pulled up to their house in Tampa I didn't recognize Del. He has lost almost 100lbs since I saw him last. He was 220 and now he is 139 and getting thinner. Those two are great together. It was nice being able to bring some sunshine into their lives. They have one son that lives in Maine and no grandchildren. They do not get to see their son much and don't get out much either. It was a good visit and I wish I didn't have to leave them. We were able to go to my favorite restaurant in all of Florida, Hellas. Hellas is an amazing Greek restaurant. The Gyros they serve are, no joke, as big as your head. The calamari is perfect, melt-in-your-mouth goodness. I love Hellas. Once you eat Hellas, you can not eat any other Greek food.
The rest of the trip was spent at Disney and Universal. We went to Epcot for our Disney Day. It was interesting. It is more of the science and nature park. The rides and lands you go into are more on the "let's help the environment and do our part" type. It is a learning experience. It was cool going on the "living with the Land" ride. The ride takes you through the Disney Garden. The garden area is full of fresh fruits and vegetables and many new scientifically researched methods for growing foods. The food in the restaurants in this area comes from the garden. I really wanted to get off the boat and go pick all the freshness. I know I would have been kicked out of the park and my picture posted as "Do not ever let this person back into the parks", but it was so tempting. It was neat to see a tomato tree, jack fruit, and a combination hydroponic/aquaponic growing area. Disney is on to some good stuff and great ideas and ways of growing foods. We also went through the Nemo exhibits. The dolphins and the manatee were putting on little shows for everyone. It was fun watching them in their aquariums. We also did the "Soarin'" ride. It was a great simulation sky ride over California. The best part of the ride was the scents that coordinated with the areas with you were flying over. Over pine trees there was a real pine smell and going over the orange groves you got the scent of fresh oranges. Thankfully it was all simulation on a screen because a few times I did get some motion sickness but all I had to do was close my eyes and I was fine. It was a great day a Disney!
The next day was spent at Universal Studios. This was my playground. Disney was great, but Universal was way better. Universal had a little bit of everything. We started out on the "Return of the Mummy" roller coaster ride. It was a little scary, especially for young ones, but it was the perfect rollar coaster for someone like me who gets motion sickness very easily. Then it was off the The Simpson's. It was fun standing in line (fun standing in a line? Yup!). Here's why. There were TVs that were playing clips from past shows and Krusty coming on to talk about the ride. There was always something to look at to take your mind off standing in lines. Once in the ride you are in a simulated environment. Again, if you get motion sickness, close your eyes. Like the "soarin'" ride all the rides and shows at Universal had scents, and water and air to make you more a part of the action. After The Simpson's we went to MIB (Men in Black). This ride has you going against the aliens. You have a laser gun and shoot at all the aliens you see. You are spinning, going backwards, and trying to shoot. It is a blast. Leland got almost 200,000 pts while I only got 47,000 points. I am a terrible shooter with a laser gun. Give me a real rifle and I am all over that. After MIB Leland went on the JAWS ride, I abstained from that ride because I still cannot watch the movie, it scares me a little too much. We then went on to Disaster! An activity in which they take people from the audience and place them in different roles as you are part of the filming for a new movie "Mutha Earth" starring "The Rock". It's a lot of fun and Leland was cast in one of roles. He played a guy screaming in terror for the trailor. The first part you on a sound stage and they are filming the different shots of people that were chosen for different roles. The second part you are in the subway and are caught in an earthquake. You have the responsibility to ham it up and really play the role as the cars go sideways, tankers blow up and water comes rushing in. As the ride goes back to the beginning the trailor plays and you get to see what you were a part of. It was quite fun and interactive. Then it was off to Twister! I was a little disappointed. I thought it was going to have more wind on the audience and less action so you could see everything that was going on. But it was like a real tornado ripping through the area with cars moving, signs falling, and things flying in the air. You are even sprayed with water and the roof above you starts to come apart. It was okay. We then went to Shrek and it's 4-D experience. The seats were moving, water was sprayed and air was rushed at your face and feet. Totally fun! Then there was Terminator 2. If you want a real 3-D experience, T2 is it. It was so freaky with things jumping off the screen right you.
We also went on to Islands of Adventure where we went to Jurassic Park (a little scary for little ones and makes your heart jump a little), Seuss Landing (where the worlds of Dr. Seuss come to life), The Wizarding World of Harry Potter (opens this weekend so it was closed for us, but we still got pictures), Spider Man (Way cool 3-D with character jumping on the car) and then Poseidon's Fury. That show was funny and full of action as Poseidon battles his fiery opponent. All the "rides" at Universal had actors and really made you a part of the action. It was so much fun! If you ever get a chance, Universal is the place to go!
That's the Florida trip in a nutshell. I wish I could share more on the experiences, but some things you have to try for yourself to get the true feeling of it. If you go to Disney or Universal, get the express passes. They put you at the front of every line. It is a little more expensive (we paid 30 per person but the price is different at different times of the month so check it out on-line first), there are only a certain number of passes allotted (so get there early), but it is totally worth it!
The trip was amazing! We were able to see my Great Aunt Edna and Great Uncle Del. It was nice being able to spend some time with them, especially since Del's medical happening since Christmas. Del and Edna will be celebrating their 61st anniversary in a couple of days. They are the cutest couple ever. The love they share is evident. Edna is a great care taker. She makes sure Del has all of his medications everyday to keep him alive and kicking. She also wakes up in the middle of the night to check on him to make sure he is doing okay. Del gives her a hard time, but that's just what he does and he is always kidding when he does so. When we pulled up to their house in Tampa I didn't recognize Del. He has lost almost 100lbs since I saw him last. He was 220 and now he is 139 and getting thinner. Those two are great together. It was nice being able to bring some sunshine into their lives. They have one son that lives in Maine and no grandchildren. They do not get to see their son much and don't get out much either. It was a good visit and I wish I didn't have to leave them. We were able to go to my favorite restaurant in all of Florida, Hellas. Hellas is an amazing Greek restaurant. The Gyros they serve are, no joke, as big as your head. The calamari is perfect, melt-in-your-mouth goodness. I love Hellas. Once you eat Hellas, you can not eat any other Greek food.
The rest of the trip was spent at Disney and Universal. We went to Epcot for our Disney Day. It was interesting. It is more of the science and nature park. The rides and lands you go into are more on the "let's help the environment and do our part" type. It is a learning experience. It was cool going on the "living with the Land" ride. The ride takes you through the Disney Garden. The garden area is full of fresh fruits and vegetables and many new scientifically researched methods for growing foods. The food in the restaurants in this area comes from the garden. I really wanted to get off the boat and go pick all the freshness. I know I would have been kicked out of the park and my picture posted as "Do not ever let this person back into the parks", but it was so tempting. It was neat to see a tomato tree, jack fruit, and a combination hydroponic/aquaponic growing area. Disney is on to some good stuff and great ideas and ways of growing foods. We also went through the Nemo exhibits. The dolphins and the manatee were putting on little shows for everyone. It was fun watching them in their aquariums. We also did the "Soarin'" ride. It was a great simulation sky ride over California. The best part of the ride was the scents that coordinated with the areas with you were flying over. Over pine trees there was a real pine smell and going over the orange groves you got the scent of fresh oranges. Thankfully it was all simulation on a screen because a few times I did get some motion sickness but all I had to do was close my eyes and I was fine. It was a great day a Disney!
The next day was spent at Universal Studios. This was my playground. Disney was great, but Universal was way better. Universal had a little bit of everything. We started out on the "Return of the Mummy" roller coaster ride. It was a little scary, especially for young ones, but it was the perfect rollar coaster for someone like me who gets motion sickness very easily. Then it was off the The Simpson's. It was fun standing in line (fun standing in a line? Yup!). Here's why. There were TVs that were playing clips from past shows and Krusty coming on to talk about the ride. There was always something to look at to take your mind off standing in lines. Once in the ride you are in a simulated environment. Again, if you get motion sickness, close your eyes. Like the "soarin'" ride all the rides and shows at Universal had scents, and water and air to make you more a part of the action. After The Simpson's we went to MIB (Men in Black). This ride has you going against the aliens. You have a laser gun and shoot at all the aliens you see. You are spinning, going backwards, and trying to shoot. It is a blast. Leland got almost 200,000 pts while I only got 47,000 points. I am a terrible shooter with a laser gun. Give me a real rifle and I am all over that. After MIB Leland went on the JAWS ride, I abstained from that ride because I still cannot watch the movie, it scares me a little too much. We then went on to Disaster! An activity in which they take people from the audience and place them in different roles as you are part of the filming for a new movie "Mutha Earth" starring "The Rock". It's a lot of fun and Leland was cast in one of roles. He played a guy screaming in terror for the trailor. The first part you on a sound stage and they are filming the different shots of people that were chosen for different roles. The second part you are in the subway and are caught in an earthquake. You have the responsibility to ham it up and really play the role as the cars go sideways, tankers blow up and water comes rushing in. As the ride goes back to the beginning the trailor plays and you get to see what you were a part of. It was quite fun and interactive. Then it was off to Twister! I was a little disappointed. I thought it was going to have more wind on the audience and less action so you could see everything that was going on. But it was like a real tornado ripping through the area with cars moving, signs falling, and things flying in the air. You are even sprayed with water and the roof above you starts to come apart. It was okay. We then went to Shrek and it's 4-D experience. The seats were moving, water was sprayed and air was rushed at your face and feet. Totally fun! Then there was Terminator 2. If you want a real 3-D experience, T2 is it. It was so freaky with things jumping off the screen right you.
We also went on to Islands of Adventure where we went to Jurassic Park (a little scary for little ones and makes your heart jump a little), Seuss Landing (where the worlds of Dr. Seuss come to life), The Wizarding World of Harry Potter (opens this weekend so it was closed for us, but we still got pictures), Spider Man (Way cool 3-D with character jumping on the car) and then Poseidon's Fury. That show was funny and full of action as Poseidon battles his fiery opponent. All the "rides" at Universal had actors and really made you a part of the action. It was so much fun! If you ever get a chance, Universal is the place to go!
That's the Florida trip in a nutshell. I wish I could share more on the experiences, but some things you have to try for yourself to get the true feeling of it. If you go to Disney or Universal, get the express passes. They put you at the front of every line. It is a little more expensive (we paid 30 per person but the price is different at different times of the month so check it out on-line first), there are only a certain number of passes allotted (so get there early), but it is totally worth it!
Friday, May 28, 2010
One More Year Down. . .
many more to go. The good news is - - IT'S FINALLY SUMMER, WOO-HOO! Some good news for next year. I still have a job, whew! More good news possibly will come in July. I'm not suppose to say anything, but how can I not with something so exciting? If all goes well, I will be a Dean of Students over discipline. I am excited, yet hesitant at the same time. If we have the same principal as last year (because he is now talking like he will be coming back next year) I will be under the biggest magnifying glass in the world. I am really looking forward to this opportunity and hope that all will go well. I have noticed I do a lot of hoping. Maybe I look to the future a little to much and am not engaged in the present enough. I will have to work on that, this SUMMER! Ahhhhhh, beautiful summer!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
One More Day!
One more day left until summer officially begins! Eeeeeeek! I asked Leland last night what the plan was for Monday, being Memorial Day and all, since I had nothing planned. Number one thing to do on the list, sleep-in. That's right ladies and gentlemen, sleep-in. I am so grateful that sleeping in is on the list of things to do. The rest of the day I have no clue what we are going to do, but at least the morning is taken care of. I may just go work out after I wake up. I can begin my summer workout ritual. I hope I am able to continue my plan without getting burned out too quickly. Run to the gym (3 miles away), do a little weight training, then run home. I will hit 6 miles a day. My goal for this year running is to be able to run a 10K with no problems. I know I could run a 10K, but without problems is the big thing for me. No tight hips or hurting tendons in my left foot and definitely, no slow-almost walking jogs. It's a tough goal to reach in just two and half months, but I can do it. It will be really nice to be able to go to Utah and run three to four miles without dying in the altitude.
Today the kiddos are taking their Science finals. I am usually in one of the classrooms administering an exam, but when I looked at the list, my name was nowhere to be found. So this is my schedule for Thursday: 0 period - nothing, 1st period - nothing, 2nd period- nothing, 3rd period- nothing, 4th period- nothing. Then the kiddos go home. Then I have my contract meeting at 1pm. I am wondering if there is something else in the plans for me though. I know books are starting to be returned today so I wonder, hmmm. . . Whatever it is, I hope I am able to get it done in a satisfactory manner. Isn't that a killer schedule? In the good way of course. I mean, how often do you go into work and realize there is nothing to do? There is always something that needs to be done. Right now with athletics over and no more classes to teach and grade finalized I can only think of one thing to do, review my ILD/PDAS training books and prepare for my meeting. Also, with nothing to do and my meeting ahead I have plenty of time to think about it and drive myself crazy with the "what if's". So no thinking about it. None whatsoever. The bell just rang, gotta get to the hall patrol. =0)
Today the kiddos are taking their Science finals. I am usually in one of the classrooms administering an exam, but when I looked at the list, my name was nowhere to be found. So this is my schedule for Thursday: 0 period - nothing, 1st period - nothing, 2nd period- nothing, 3rd period- nothing, 4th period- nothing. Then the kiddos go home. Then I have my contract meeting at 1pm. I am wondering if there is something else in the plans for me though. I know books are starting to be returned today so I wonder, hmmm. . . Whatever it is, I hope I am able to get it done in a satisfactory manner. Isn't that a killer schedule? In the good way of course. I mean, how often do you go into work and realize there is nothing to do? There is always something that needs to be done. Right now with athletics over and no more classes to teach and grade finalized I can only think of one thing to do, review my ILD/PDAS training books and prepare for my meeting. Also, with nothing to do and my meeting ahead I have plenty of time to think about it and drive myself crazy with the "what if's". So no thinking about it. None whatsoever. The bell just rang, gotta get to the hall patrol. =0)
Monday, May 24, 2010
The end of the school year is approaching. Only four more half-days left. The middle school kiddos are getting excited, the high school kiddos are starting to panic. It's fun watching the kids and thinking back to the times when I was in those grades at the end of the year. The only difference between the kids I teach and myself is that I never really panicked about anything. NOW the kids are starting to fret about not getting the credits they need to graduate. It's the last week of school! If you were worried about not graduating or getting the credits you need so your not held back a year (or in some cases another year) then you should have been doing your work and asking for help all year long. There is a student in the 8th grade that failed 8th last year. So this his second time going through the 8th grade and it looks like he is going to repeat it for the third time. In two of his classes he would have to make over 100% in order to pass his classes and go on to 9th grade. I remember talking to this kid before school started and he seemed to be very remorseful and was ready to make a change for the better and get out of middle school. His actions this year totally contradict what he said he was going to do. He fell right back into his old games even after I pulled him aside several times to help him. From what I know, I am not the only one that has done that and his parents are at a loss as to what to do too. How do you get through to a kid that just doesn't care and thinks he doesn't need to graduate high school in order to be successful? It's a sad situation. Maybe after this year he will realize what he needs to do because no one is going to fall for his stuff again and all is friends will be in high school while he is still in middle school. That would embarass the heck out of me! It's ultimately his choice and all I can do try to help him see the light. It's tiring trying to do this day in and day out with more than one student every day.
Enough talk about work, on to life. This past weekend was a lot of fun. On Saturday I went to the annual Border Patrol volleyball tournament out near Bracketville, TX. I went with my friend to cheer on her husband. It was a a very relaxing day. I shouldn't have been, but I was a little taken aback that the people we trust to protect our borders from terrorists, drugs, and other illegal substances are so high school and petty in their thinking and drink alcohol like there is no tomorrow. I know it's their day off and stuff like that, but have a little more self control so you don't look like an idiot like a lot of the men and women ended up looking like. I won't dwell on that sunject. It was nice spending time with a friend and watching drunk people try to play volleyball. But I like the time with the friend more.
I am getting more and more excited about my summer plans. I can't wait to take some time away from SA and Texas in general. I love my state and I am full of Texan Pride, but sometimes you just need to get away. It's Disney in two weeks, Girls Camp in a month and a half, and Utah in two months. I can't wait! It's going to go by really fast, but summer is almost here and I am so excited!
Enough talk about work, on to life. This past weekend was a lot of fun. On Saturday I went to the annual Border Patrol volleyball tournament out near Bracketville, TX. I went with my friend to cheer on her husband. It was a a very relaxing day. I shouldn't have been, but I was a little taken aback that the people we trust to protect our borders from terrorists, drugs, and other illegal substances are so high school and petty in their thinking and drink alcohol like there is no tomorrow. I know it's their day off and stuff like that, but have a little more self control so you don't look like an idiot like a lot of the men and women ended up looking like. I won't dwell on that sunject. It was nice spending time with a friend and watching drunk people try to play volleyball. But I like the time with the friend more.
I am getting more and more excited about my summer plans. I can't wait to take some time away from SA and Texas in general. I love my state and I am full of Texan Pride, but sometimes you just need to get away. It's Disney in two weeks, Girls Camp in a month and a half, and Utah in two months. I can't wait! It's going to go by really fast, but summer is almost here and I am so excited!
Friday, May 21, 2010
Ten Years From Now...
One of my friends had the whole "Where do you see yourself in ten years?" question on her blog. I thought that was a good thing to think about. I, at this point in time in my life, can't even begin to imagine where I will be in ten years. I thought I had it all planned out when I graduated high school that I would be happily engaged by time I graduated from college and have my perfect job driving the perfect truck and ready for my life to really begin. What did I actually have at that time? A Grand Prix, no job, no boyfriend (didn't even have any dates that whole time), no money, and was getting ready to start grad school. Not what I thought would happen by time I was out of college. Then the next year I was moving to SA to finish grad school and start a whole new life. Since then my life has been nothing like I planned. My life has had so many twists and turns that I feel like I could never get back to my starting point. So for me to answer the question "Where will you be ten years from now?" is impossible. I really can't imagine or begin to think where I will be. I hope in ten years that I will have a beautiful family, running kids from activity to activity, living in a house, and just being the best darn wife and mom that I can be. Who really knows what the future holds. I just want to focus on the here and now and find joy in the journey. Then I look back in ten years and see that my life was nothing like I had ever planned it to be =0)
Monday, May 17, 2010
The Real Story
So I called the DA's office and HEB this morning to find out what really happened. HEB got everything from my Wells Fargo account straightened out. So dodged a bullet there. Little did I know that the theivers had used checks from an account at Guaranty that I had closed way back in August. HEB sent the notices but I never received them. Because I never received them and couldn't send fraud reports about them HEB sent everything to the DA. So, it's not HEB's fault (good thing, because I would have stopped shopping there and I can't turn my back on HEB. I love them too much) but instead the United States Postal Service. Yes, that's right, I am blaming the government (it's always their fault anyway)! I don't know why the post office did not forward my stuff, but I am going to have a little talk with them about it. Next on my hit list, snail mail. No more snail mail for me thank you very much! Everything will be electronic or fax or phone call. So there USPS, you get nothing from me! =0)
Jail Time?
So I might either be arrested or I might have to pay over $600 in charges because HEB messed up somewhere. Remember when my car was stolen? Well, the theivers used a few of my checks and a few days after that I started receiving the letters from HEB that I owed them a ton of money. We called HEB and told them that all the checks that had been written were fraudulently done. They sent the paperwork and I sent it all back with everything they asked for. Friday night I received a letter from the DA that I have ten days to pay or I will be arrested. What the heck happened? I know I sent in all the proper paperwork because I spent an hour at FedEx Office (Kinko's for those of you who didn't know the new name) making copies, checking all paperwork and making sure the proper forms went to the proper addresses. I know I sent it out and got it there before the deadline, unless the mail was moving slow. Which, by the way, I think the mail is moving really, really slow in my part of town because it's taking four days to get mail that is sent locally from within San Antonio to another San Antonio address. I don't get it. Just when I thought everything had been worked out and I was free of this mess a new situation pops up that I have to fight against. What can be learned from this experience? I don't know yet, maybe it's so I become this great victim's rights activist and change the way victims of crimes are treated. Hmmmmmm? Nah, but there is something to this whole mess, I just hope I can figure it out before it's too late. It may be time to practice my mug shots ;) I should really smile and make them tell me straight face then give them "I'm mad" or "I don't wanna" attitude and smile anyway.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
What ever happened to trying to build character and teach about responsibility and consequences? Last night at my kiddos soccer game I only played eight players at the beginning of the game because of kids who had missed practice or had some behavioral issues during the school day that day. We were down 2-0 and a parent comes up to me during the game (and btw what makes parents think they can interrupt a coach during a game?) telling me that I was three players short on the field. I told him I knew we were and there was a reason and went on to explain that we had some behavior issues at school and kids who missed practice so they were not starting the game. My kiddos are reminded everyday that if I catch them or my assistant coach catches them doing anything that they know they should not be doing they will suffer the consequences which include but are not limited to sitting out of a game until I decide they can go in. Another rule is that you show up to practices in order to play. You can't play until you know what is going on. So, I explain this to the parent and told him it was explained to the kids and they understood and accepted it. He then tries to say that I am teaching them to lose if that is what I am doing. "Shouldn't you want them to win?" Of course I want my kiddos to win, but in a first year program in which over 3/4 of the team had never touched a soccer ball in their lives until they were at try-outs in March the goal is not to win but to focus on the improvement of the players and give them the opportunity to improve. I also explained that the student-athletes are the examples in the school and if they go without consequences then the rest of the team and the rest of the students in the school would think it's okay for them to do the same things. This parent just didn't get it. The parent in this situation also allowed his son to miss four weeks of the season without a reason and thought his kid would automatically start. I really don't care about the amount of "W"'s we have. I care about the personal growth and development of my athletes. A lot of my kids come from poverty and don't get the support or character building opportunities that being in a sport can offer. Kids today also think that they can do whatever they want and there are no consequences for their actions since their parents are more into being a friend than being a parent or they just aren't around and leave the kids to their own defenses. I feel it is my responsibility to teach these kids more than just win, win, win. I can guarantee those players that did not play because of behavior reasons will give a second thought to their actions, or just wait until they think I am not looking ;) Seriously, parents or future parents that read this, please teach your kids about taking responsibility and accepting whatever consequences come, and support your kiddos teachers/coaches/mentors (if they are teaching correct principles). It's a hard battle that is fought everyday within the walls of a school and the playing field. A little character goes a long way.
In other life events school is finally winding down, but getting busier. The past two weeks have been full of soccer games and practices, middle school dance, play-offs, international and multicultural fair, fundraiser, sixth grade field trip, and an end-of-the-year soccer party. I have also had to try to get my teaching folder finished. I don't understand why I need to do a teaching folder every year. I don't teach a different subject every year like some of the other teachers. Why can't I just add a supplemental portion with the changes from year to year? I think all the folders should be on a departmental level and just add to it every year. Why does every teacher need to make a new one every year? If you ask the admin about it they never give an answer. While on that note, why is it that admins never give you a straight answer but expect you to give them a detailed answer when they ask you a question? Even better, we are evaluated on our promptness and timeliness of answering admin e-mails. I will have points deducted from my evaluation if I do not answer an e-mail right away (then get a memo about answering e-mails during class time) but the admin can wait two weeks after an answer is needed to reply and not get anything deducted from their evaluations because they don't get evaluated. The admin does not take feedback from the teachers or parents and if either group does suggest something that could better the school or make things easier, then they either fall on deaf ears or get the eye-roll, or the suggestion is taken in but since it wasn't their idea they won't bother with it until it is their idea. And where is the credit when credit is due? On the admin. Grrrrrr! Can you tell I am a little passionate about this right now? I know I will be grilled about what I added to the school environment and then told I didn't do enough or I didn't have any new ideas. If I hear that I think I might have a nervous breakdown right there in the meeting. Ahhhhh! Sorry, tangent. But I guess this does have to deal with character. The true colors come flying through the air when we are in tense situations. In a couple of weeks we shall see what my true character is. Will I come through with vibrant full colors or will I dull and blend in with the back ground, hmmmmm?
In other life events school is finally winding down, but getting busier. The past two weeks have been full of soccer games and practices, middle school dance, play-offs, international and multicultural fair, fundraiser, sixth grade field trip, and an end-of-the-year soccer party. I have also had to try to get my teaching folder finished. I don't understand why I need to do a teaching folder every year. I don't teach a different subject every year like some of the other teachers. Why can't I just add a supplemental portion with the changes from year to year? I think all the folders should be on a departmental level and just add to it every year. Why does every teacher need to make a new one every year? If you ask the admin about it they never give an answer. While on that note, why is it that admins never give you a straight answer but expect you to give them a detailed answer when they ask you a question? Even better, we are evaluated on our promptness and timeliness of answering admin e-mails. I will have points deducted from my evaluation if I do not answer an e-mail right away (then get a memo about answering e-mails during class time) but the admin can wait two weeks after an answer is needed to reply and not get anything deducted from their evaluations because they don't get evaluated. The admin does not take feedback from the teachers or parents and if either group does suggest something that could better the school or make things easier, then they either fall on deaf ears or get the eye-roll, or the suggestion is taken in but since it wasn't their idea they won't bother with it until it is their idea. And where is the credit when credit is due? On the admin. Grrrrrr! Can you tell I am a little passionate about this right now? I know I will be grilled about what I added to the school environment and then told I didn't do enough or I didn't have any new ideas. If I hear that I think I might have a nervous breakdown right there in the meeting. Ahhhhh! Sorry, tangent. But I guess this does have to deal with character. The true colors come flying through the air when we are in tense situations. In a couple of weeks we shall see what my true character is. Will I come through with vibrant full colors or will I dull and blend in with the back ground, hmmmmm?
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Summer and Some Stuff
It's almost here! The end of the school year is so close right now. Three weeks and it's time for some real vacation. I think it's been about a year since I had a real vacation and I can't wait for this one! I will finally catch up on sleep, have time to hit the gym again (and lose the 15lbs I've gained since last August), and keep up with all the cleaning in the apartment. This summer is going to be the busiest summer since 2007 when I took 15hrs of grad school. In June Leland and I will be heading off to Florida to go to Disneyworld, land (whichever is in Florida) and to visit my great aunt and uncle. Then in July I have girl's camp and then we are hitting up Utah so I can meet the rest of his family and experience a real Pioneer Day celebration. I have never been to Utah and I always told myself I would never go, but it looks like I have to since my in-laws live up there. Wait, so do I need a passport or anything to go to Utah? I may have to research that one (haha!). Then when August rolls back around school starts up again. I am so excited for this summer and what a break it will really be for me. Ahhh, summer.
On the weekend news, I ran the Race for the Cure on Saturday. About mile two I started to die, but pushed my way to the finish line. I found it a little odd that out of everyone in the group I finished first. I have not really run and worked out since December (because of the whole mono thing and not feeling safe at the gym anymore since my car was stolen) and the rest of my compadres had been working out and eating healthy and all that jazz. I really don't understand how I could have out-run them. It was funny listening to them talk. One person like to run this thing with me because I am her pacer. She loves to sprint about a quarter of a mile then take it easy to recover and when I finally catch up to her she takes off again. Another person told herself that as long as she could stay with me for the first mile she would be happy. She would also follow me through the throngs of people everywhere since I was so good at cutting through them all. She was so happy that she was able to keep up with me for a mile and half, until she stopped for a few seconds to listen to a mariachi band and when she finally looked back up, I was nowhere to be found. I really thought that everyone would catch up and eventually pass me since I was so out of shape, but no one did. I know I still have a long way to go, but I also have all summer to do it.
Oh, finally have my pictures taken off my camera from the past few events, but they are one Leland's computer so I can't really get to them right now. AS soon as I can, they will be posted here. Keep a lookout, they are coming =0)
On the weekend news, I ran the Race for the Cure on Saturday. About mile two I started to die, but pushed my way to the finish line. I found it a little odd that out of everyone in the group I finished first. I have not really run and worked out since December (because of the whole mono thing and not feeling safe at the gym anymore since my car was stolen) and the rest of my compadres had been working out and eating healthy and all that jazz. I really don't understand how I could have out-run them. It was funny listening to them talk. One person like to run this thing with me because I am her pacer. She loves to sprint about a quarter of a mile then take it easy to recover and when I finally catch up to her she takes off again. Another person told herself that as long as she could stay with me for the first mile she would be happy. She would also follow me through the throngs of people everywhere since I was so good at cutting through them all. She was so happy that she was able to keep up with me for a mile and half, until she stopped for a few seconds to listen to a mariachi band and when she finally looked back up, I was nowhere to be found. I really thought that everyone would catch up and eventually pass me since I was so out of shape, but no one did. I know I still have a long way to go, but I also have all summer to do it.
Oh, finally have my pictures taken off my camera from the past few events, but they are one Leland's computer so I can't really get to them right now. AS soon as I can, they will be posted here. Keep a lookout, they are coming =0)
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